Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival, Oak Hill, NY

Set 1
Hello Everybody >
Sawing On The Strings
I'm Walking The Dog
The Baltimore Fire
Hornpipe Dream
Dawg's Waltz
The Cuckoo
I'll Pawn You This Gold Watch And Chain
I'm Rolling On
I'm On My Way Back To The Old Home
Down The Road
Dawgy Mountain Breakdown
Down In The Willow Grove
Why You Been Gone So Long *
I'll Never Love Anybody But You Baby Baby
Are You Afraid To Die
So Long, Everybody >
My Walking Shoes
Shady Grove

Set 2

Set 3

* with Beppe Gambetta on guitar & vocals

David Grisman - mandolin
Jim Donnelly - guitar
Keith Little - banjo
Chad Manning - fiddle
Samson Eli Grisman - bass

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1089722010-07-16Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalOak HillNY
flac16;source: akg c480b/ck62 (10\' split) > oade bcm marantz 671 > WAV (24/48k) transfer: wav > Audacity > wav (44.1k) > xACT > flac8; tape/transfer - corey the groundhog (china_c_a_tATyahooDOTcom)
1090022010-07-16Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalOak HillNY
flac16;Nakamichi CM300's/CP4 shotguns* approximately 7 feet> Monster Cables>Korg MR 1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6mHz,30 feet behind SBD tent; Editing with AudioGate Software>32 Bit Float/96kHz>Dithered with Korg Aqua to 16/44
1090032010-07-16Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalOak HillNY
flac24;Nakamichi CM300's/CP4 shotguns* approximately 7 feet> Monster Cables>Korg MR 1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6mHz,30 feet behind SBD tent; Editing with AudioGate Software to 24Bit/96kHz
1095652010-07-16Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalOak HillNY
flac16;source: DPA 4021 (FOB/ORTF) > Oade m148 > Sony D50 (24/48); transfer: Memory Stick > Sound Studio > xACT > .flac (16/44)
1116122010-07-16Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalOak HillNY
flac24;DPA 4022 > V2 > Korg M-1000
1116132010-07-16Grey Fox Bluegrass FestivalOak HillNY
flac16;DPA 4022 > V2 > Korg M-1000
Created At
Tue Jul 20 2010 15:27:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 20 2010 15:27:30 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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