Phish 2000-09-15
Hersheypark Stadium, Hershey, PA

Set 1
First Tube, Gotta Jibboo, Corrine Corrina, Birds of a Feather, Windora Bug, Run Like an Antelope*, Golgi Apparatus, Bittersweet Motel

Set 2
Piper, Lizards, Tube, When the Circus Comes, Character Zero E: Possum

Set 3

* with Tom Marshall (on rye rye rocco..)

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
15192000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
shnf; Schoeps CMC6/mk41 > Lunatec v2 > Apogee AD1000; tascam da-20mkII > audiowerk2 digital soundcard > WAV > SHN; d3 can be placed at the end of d2 without using 80-min disc; via Mike LoJacono; one listener reports possible phasing problems
15522000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
shnf; Neumann TLM 170r (cardioid setting) > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD-1000 > BTP @48kHz; Transfer: Tascam DA20mkII > Audio Magic Presto II > ZA2 > Soundforge 4.5(48>44.1) > CDWav > .shn; Taped by J. Longwood and sjwt; Transferred by Eric McRoberts
16352000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
shnf; (FOB) Schoeps CMC6/MK4 > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD500E; DAT > CD > EAC > SHN; Taped by Kristian Allen; Transferred by Dan Hantman
26392000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
shnf or flac16; (FOB) B+K 4022 > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD-500e > DAT @48kHz; Sony PCM-R500 > ZA2 > Soundforge 4.5 (48>44.1) > CD Wave > SHN; Recorded by very qualified Practitioners of Voodoo; Transferred by Eric McRoberts
1221152000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
flac16; Scheops cmc6/mk4's > Graham-Patten DMIC-20 > Sony TCD-D8; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > CD Wave > FLAC; Transferred by Terry Watts
1221292000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
flac16; Microtech Gefell mg210's > Beyer MV-100 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D8; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > r8brain (16/48 > 16/44.1) > CD Wave > FLAC; Transferred by Terry Watts
1221302000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
flac16; (FOB) Neumann TLM-170's (cardioid) > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > r8brain (16/48 > 16/44.1) > CD Wave > FLAC; Taped by J. Longwood and sjwt; Transferred by Terry Watts
1468932000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
flac16/44.1khz Source:Nakamichi 300 Mics W/CP1 Cardioids>Sony D8 Dat Master>Sony 90 Meter DDS Dat Tape>Sony PCM R-300 Home Dat Deck(Playback)>Edirol R-09 HR(24/44.1 KHZ)>CD Wav Editor>Audacity.Traders Little Helper>Flac Level 8. Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders Little Helper.Taped By Dave Boedicker,Official Taper Section.
1469312000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
flac16/44.1khz Remastered: Source:Nakamichi 300 Mics W/CP1 Cardioids>Sony D8 Dat Master>Sony 90 Meter DDS Dat Tape>Sony PCM R-300 Home Dat Deck(Playback)>Edirol R-09 HR(24/44.1 KHZ)>CD Wav Editor>Audacity.Traders Little Helper>Flac Level 8. Sector Boundaries Aligned Using Traders Little Helper.Taped By Dave Boedicker,Official Taper Section.
1499342000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
flac16/48khz Source: B&K 4022 (FOB) > Lunatec V2 > Apogee 500E > DA-P1; Taper Ron Dalton Transfer: DAT/m > Sony PCM R300 > Tascam DR680 > Audacity > xACT(FLAC/TAG) DiGiHoArDeRs: 5/15/2020
1673082000-09-15Hersheypark StadiumHersheyPA
flac1648 (FOB) Neumann TLM-170's (cardioid) > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD-1000 > DAT; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 Transfer: Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > Samplitude Pro X7 > dBpoweramp > Foobar Live Show Tagger Taped by J. Longwood and sjwt Transferred by Terry Watts
Created At
Sun Sep 24 2000 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 31 2002 02:27:56 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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