Lettuce 2009-11-14
Bear Creek Music Festival, Live Oak, FL

Set 1
Last Suppit
Sam Huff's Flying Ragin' Machine
Mr. Yancey
By Any Shmeeans Necessary*
Making My Way Back Home**
We're a Winner>**
Move On Up**

Set 2

Set 3

* w/ Derek Trucks and Kofi Burbridge
** w/ Nigel Hall, Derek Trucks and Kofi Burbridge

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1056982009-11-14Bear Creek Music FestivalLive OakFL
Source 1: SBD > Edirol R-44 (RCA Line Out) > Oade T+ Mod Edirol UA-5 > Optical > iRiver iHP-120 @ 16bit/44.1KHz recorded by Scott Douglas
Source 2: AKG 481 (FOB/DFC/9ft high/DINa) > Edirol R-44 @ 24bit/48KHz > Wavelab 5 (fades, gain adjustments, dither/re-sample) > CDWave (tracking) > TLH > FLAC
Lineage: WAV files > Sony Vegas Pro 8.0 (synch, mix, fades) > TLH > FLAC
1026952009-11-14Bear Creek Music FestivalLive OakFL
Source: AKG 481 > Edirol R-44 @ 24/48
Location: FOB/DFC/9ft high/DINa
DSP: R-44 > Wavelab 5 (fades, gain adjustments, dither/re-sample) > CDWave (tracking) > TLH (Flac8)
1101752009-11-14Bear Creek Music FestivalLive OakFL
16 bit Source: Schoeps mk4/cmc6 -> Sound Devices 722
Transfer: SD722 -> pc -> Wavelab 4 (fades, resampled, dither w/uv22hr and normalized to -.4) -> cdwav -> FLAC
Taped and transferred by Steve Bazley
1101762009-11-14Bear Creek Music FestivalLive OakFL
24 bit Source: Schoeps mk4/cmc6 -> Sound Devices 722
Transfer: SD722 -> pc -> Wavelab 4 (fades and normalized to -.4) -> cdwav -> FLAC
Taped and transferred by Steve Bazley
Created At
Wed Jan 27 2010 22:20:35 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Nov 20 2009 13:53:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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