Phish 2000-05-21
Radio City Music Hall, New York, NY

Set 1
First Tube, Wolfman's Brother, Squirming Coil, Possum, Moma Dance, Limb by Limb, Character Zero

Set 2
Gotta Jibboo, Down with Disease, Dirt, Twist Around -> Piper, Harry Hood > Wading in the Velvet Sea, Guyute

Set 3
Encore: The Inlaw Josie Wales, Loving Cup


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
9352000-05-21Radio City Music HallNew YorkNY
Neumann u89 (hypercardoid setting)> Apogee AD1000 > Tascam DA-P1 > Awia HHB/pro; Conversion: Awia HHB/pro > Datport > Soundforge 4.0xp > CDWav > SHN; D. Estrin's Rig, Patch, Conversion by P. Kelly; to alt.binaries.phish and etree; reported pops in Coil- some may be balloons, but the large one at 4:20 is due to missing samples; alternate transfer of source was later prepared, thus circulation of this one not recommended
9362000-05-21Radio City Music HallNew YorkNY
aka "reseed"; Neumann U89 (Hyper setting) -> Apogee AD1000 -> Tascam DA-P1 -> Sony D8; Transfer: D8 > Sonic Sense Coaxial Cable > Montego II > CDWAV > SHN; Taped By: D. Estrin, Patched and Transfer By: D. Solomon (madcap); note some "pops" in spots, eg Coil at 1:41, 1:43 are large balloons 
9372000-05-21Radio City Music HallNew YorkNY
Schoeps CMC6/mk4v> Apogee AD-1000 @44.1Khz (ortf, dfc 1st row ots); DA-20mkII > Audio Magic Presto II > ZA2 > Soundforge 4.5 > CDWav > SHN; Recorded by J. Crouch; Transferred by E. McRoberts; "a few questionable spots" are present on master(s)
336672000-05-21Radio City Music HallNew YorkNY
flac16, 44kHz; B&K 4011's > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD-500 > Tascam DA-P1 (16/48); Fostex D5 > AES > SD-722 > WaveLab > CDWave > FLAC (16/44); Source by Ron Dalton; Transfer by Ned Struzziero and Jason Sobel
1274542000-05-21Radio City Music HallNew YorkNY
flac16, 48kHz; B&K 4011's > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD-500 > Tascam DA-P1 (16/48); Fostex D5 > AES > SD-722 > CDWave > FLAC (16/48); Source by Ron Dalton; Transfer by Ned Struzziero and Jason Sobel
1199512000-05-21Radio City Music HallNew YorkNY
flac16, 44kHz; (Hyper) Neumann U89 > Apogee AD-1000 > Tascam DA-P1; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > CD Wave > FLAC (16/44); Source by Dan Estrin; Transfer by Terry Watts
1517142000-05-21Radio City Music HallNew YorkNY
flac16/48khz Taper / Transfer: Ron Dalton Info: B&K 4011 --> Lunatec V2 --> Apogee A/D500e --> Tascam DA-P1 @48K Front Row Official TS Transfer: Tascam DA-20 MK II --> Fostex FR-2LE (Oade Mod) @24/48 Processing: wavs > Audacity > xACT (FLAC/TAG); DiGiHoArDeRs: 2/10/2021
Created At
Wed May 31 2000 04:24:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Thu Jan 31 2002 02:27:55 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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