Marvin's Mountaintop-All Good Music Festival, Masontown, WV

Set 1
One Set: Hanuman, Miles Behind, Little Walter Rides Again > Down The Tubes/Improv Intro to > Tootie Ma Is A Big Fine Thing, In Case The World Changes Its Mind, Guitar Intro > Deadzy > What Now, Guitar Intro > Julia, Fuck You Guys

Set 2

Set 3

One Set Only

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
928922008-07-11Marvin's Mountaintop-All Good Music FestivalMasontownWV
flac16: Source: AKG C460Bs/CK 61-ULS (ORTF, ~8-12ft on stand)->Kind Kables->PS2->AD20->JB3(Optical In)
Location: OTS
Transfer: JB3->Firewire->PC
Processing: Fade-in and fade-out applied using Sound Forge 8.0
Conversion: CDWav 1.93.3 for track splitting and Flac16 Conversion @ level 5
952992008-07-11Marvin's Mountaintop-All Good Music FestivalMasontownWV
flac16; Source: Matrix: Busman BSC1-K1 > Grace Lunatec V3 (Phatman Silver Custom Cables & Interconnects) > Busman Hybrid R4 (T-Mod) @ 24/48 (Cards, ORTF, ROC, OTS, @ 9' high) + ADK A-51TL's (Hi Ho Silver Cables) > Busman Hybrid R4 (W-Mod) @24/48 (Figure 8s in Blumlein, ROC, OTS, @ 9' high); Busman Hybrid R4 (USB)> Sony Vegas 8.0 (Mix)> Sony Sound Forge 7.0 (Edits, Resample, & Dither)> CD Wave Editor> FLAC Frontend 1.1.4b(Verify/Align on Sector Boundries/Level 8); Taped & transferred by Jim Mimna; via Traders' Den
1017942008-07-11Marvin's Mountaintop-All Good Music FestivalMasontownWV
flac16; Source: AKG C-1000's> Sony MZ-NH 900> Sonic Stage> Traders Little Helper for flac files
Created At
Sat Apr 07 2012 17:42:06 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jul 19 2008 18:44:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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