Phish 1999-08-01
Naeba Ski Resort, Naeba, Japan

Set 1
Cities, Rift, Wilson, The Moma Dance, The Divided Sky, Horn, Split Open And Melt, Poor Heart, Bouncing Around The Room, Run Like An Antelope

Set 2
Possum > Tweezer > Llama, Mikes Song > I Am Hydrogen > Weekepaug Groove, The Wedge, The Lizards, You Enjoy Myself

E: Sweet Adeline, Tweezer Reprise

Set 3

3rd Annual Fuji Rock Festival - Fields Of Heaven Stage

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
8581999-08-01Naeba Ski ResortNaebaJapan
set 2,E; purported cSBD, not really; "weird skips" in YEM; was TAO, at least one or two gap-fixed version up by 9/27, note may still have elisions (skips) instead of gaps; comparison by taper B. Harvey of his master AT4050 AUD version to this set shows this is the same source!
8591999-08-01Naeba Ski ResortNaebaJapan
both sets; AT4050/CM5 > Sonosax > SBM-1 > ZA2 > SoundForge > CDWav Editor > Shorten > CD-R; taper Blane Harvey; via J. Sellers
8601999-08-01Naeba Ski ResortNaebaJapan
both sets; info file purports SBD >DAT >CDR >EAC >SHN, but source reportedly is really Schoeps> DA-P1 by taper "Nick"; new 4/00: another report says Nick really patched out of the AT4050s, though a different American did run a Schoeps> no preamp> D8; thus, not sure what this source really is- either way, no SBD is in circulation; converted to shn and uploaded by Marcus Karlstad
1647511999-08-01Naeba Ski ResortNaebaJapan
shnf SBD >DAT >CDR >EAC >SHN Converted to shn and uploaded by Marcus Karlstad. I have heard both that this IS a soundboard copy but I have also heard that it is a really good audience DAT. Either way, it sounds great. Phulcrum. Admin note: this is the pre-fixed version of shnid=860
Created At
Mon Apr 19 2010 00:01:02 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Aug 15 2003 21:40:31 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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