Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival), Las Vegas, NV

Set 1
Shakedown Street
Sweet Dreams Melinda
Row Jimmy
Let It Ride *
Sleep Again
Like A Rolling Stone @
Back On The Train #
Bird Song
Help On The Way >
Slipknot! >
Franklin's Tower

Set 2
Not Fade Away $

Set 3

* Ryan Adams cover
@ Bob Dylan cover
# featuring Mike Gordon (originally on banjo, technical difficulties result in him playing Trey's guitar)
$ Buddy Holly cover

The Band is:
Phil Lesh - Bass, Vocals
Trey Anastasio - Guitar, Vocals
John Medeski - Hammond B- 3, Piano
Larry Campbell - Pedal Steel, Guitar, Citern, Vocals
John Molo - Drums
Christina Durfee - Vocals

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
808372006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
Source: AKG ck1x > mk46 > 460 (DIN) + ADK A51TL (omnis, split 12') > edirol R-4 (24/96) Location: FOB, DFC, mics at 8.5' Conversion: R-4 > USB > wav > Audacity (fades/resample/dither) > wav >cd wave (tracking) > wav > FLAC Frontend 1.1.2 (Level 8) Taped/Converted/Seeded: Shawn Smith
808382006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
24 Bit Source: AKG ck1x > mk46 > 460 (DIN) + ADK A51TL (omnis, split 12') > edirol R-4 (24/96) Location: FOB, DFC, mics at 8.5' Conversion: R-4 > USB > wav > Audacity (fades/normalize/mix) > wav >cd wave (tracking) > wav > FLAC Frontend 1.1.2 (Level 8) Taped/Converted/Seeded: Shawn Smith
808392006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
Source: Studio Projects C4s > Segue Dogstars XLR's > Edirol UA-5 > Optical > JB3 (44.1khz) Transfer: JB3 > firewire > WavePad > wav > CDWav > wav > flac Location: FOB - 60ft from stage - 8ft stand - center Config: Cards/NOS (30cm @ 90*) Taped/Transferred by: (
797292006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
record: Oktava MC012 (card) fob 60' center > Graham Patten Dmic20 with Todd mod> maudio c02> jb3 @ 48k transfer: jb3>wavelab(resample and fades)>cdwav>flac recorded and transferd by c dipietro
808512006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
Source: Audio Technica AT835ST > Lunatec V3 > Sony PCM-M1 Location: Front of soundboard, slightly left of center Transfer: Sony PCM-M1 > Echo Gina 24 > Cool Edit 2000 > CdWave > FLAC Frontend > TagScanner taped 'n' transferred by Jules Montell / CivetCat
797302006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
Source: Milab VM-44 Link -> RME QuadMic -> Edirol R4 (24/48) Location: fob, dfc, 9’ Transfer: Edirol R4 -> Audacity (16/44) -> CD Wave -> FLAC
915882006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
Source: akg483> lunatec v3> dap1 @48k(din-fob-dfc)9ft high Transfer: DA30MKII> SD 722 (AES Digital) > Wavelab 5.0[resampled to 44.1k]> Cdwav v1.94.5[tracking]> wave> flac16(level 8) Recorded and Transfered by: Justin Hoogerwerf
1380582006-10-29Double Down Stage (Vegoose Music Festival)Las VegasNV
SBD(Webcast)+AUD(Oktava MC012) > Wavelab 5.01 > CD Wave 1.94.5 > FLAC
Created At
Sun Nov 05 2006 01:45:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Nov 04 2006 08:08:10 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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