Little Feat 1988-07-02
Oxford Plains Speedway, Oxford Plains, ME

Set 1
Fatman In The Bathtub
All That You Dream
Spanish Moon
Oh Atlanta
Rock And Roll Doctor
Hate To Lose Your Lovin'
Let It Roll
Old Folks Boogie
Dixie Chicken >
Tripe Face Boogie
Feats Don't Fail Me Now

Set 2

Set 3

Apolitical Blues
Oh Atlanta

Opened for the Grateful Dead

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
759161988-07-02Oxford Plains SpeedwayOxford PlainsME
unknown cassette source Transfer: Tascam 202MKIII > Sony 2600 > Dio 2448 > CD Wave > Flac Frontend > FLAC16 > Nero 6 > Plextor PX-716A Thanx to G.T. Kiplinger for this source Transferred by Chris Cafiero, Little Feat Archivist
903751988-07-02Oxford Plains SpeedwayOxford PlainsME
Source: Audience Recording: Transfer Lineage: Unknown Mics > Unknown Deck > Aiwa Walkman(?) > John Bleich's Master Cassette > DR-3 > 24/96 wave > wavelab > plugins > 16/44.1 wave > cd wave > flac lvl8 (TLH)
1013431988-07-02Oxford Plains SpeedwayOxford PlainsME
Master: Nakamichi CM300's/CP4's>Marantz PMD-420>Cass(m), Marantz>Tascam CDRW2000>CD by Jon Pasternak. Extraction: CD>xACT 1.69 (cdparanoia)>WAV>FLAC, all tracks extracted with no errors by Dave Mallick.
1325151988-07-02Oxford Plains SpeedwayOxford PlainsME
flac16;Master Audience Recorded By Fitzy, Transfer By Keo Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns > Sony TC-D5M, Tape Maxell MX-100 Transfer Information:Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1Bit/5.6MHz Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate V.3.02 To 32/96 kHz Wave Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44 SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1325161988-07-02Oxford Plains SpeedwayOxford PlainsME
flac24; Master Audience Recorded By Fitzy, Transfer By Keo Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns > Sony TC-D5M, Tape Maxell MX-100 Transfer Information:Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1Bit/5.6MHz Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Flacked With AudioGate V.3.02 To 24/96 kHz Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1500951988-07-02Oxford Plains SpeedwayOxford PlainsME
Recording Info: UltraMatrix SBD > Dat Master (Panasonic SV-3700/48k) Transfer Info: Dat Master (Sony PCM-R500) > Tascam DA-3000 > Samplitude Pro X3 Suite > FLAC/48k (1 DVD FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering by Charlie Miller April 18, 2018
1650021988-07-02Oxford Plains SpeedwayOxford PlainsME
Lineage: Nak 300s w/ cp4 caps -> Sony TCD5M ( no dolby )-> Maxell MX 90s M.C. -> Nakamichi CR3a -> M-Audio 192-6-> Wavelab Elements 11 -> Wav 24bit 48khz -> CD Wave -> TLH -> analysis, SBE, flac, checksums. Foobar2000 - tagging . Taped and Transferred by Ted Carpenter
Created At
Wed Dec 02 2020 21:26:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Jul 22 2006 01:39:07 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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