Phish 1995-12-28
The Centrum, Worcester, MA

Set 1
Split Open and Melt, Gumbo, The Curtain, Julius, Guyute, Horn, Rift*, Fast Enough For You, Possum,

Set 2
Timber Ho, Theme From the Bottom, Wilson, Buried Alive, Tweezer, I Didn't Know, Uncle Pen, Slave to the Traffic Light, E: Fee, Tweezer Reprise,

Set 3

*The PA goes out in the middle of the song and then pops back on near the end. Phish plays the whole time.

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
21411995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
AKG 460 Cards > 10ft XLR's > Power Supply > 3ft XLR's > Technics SV 260A > DAT (13' pole, Front Row); Technics SV 260A > COAX > WAV > CDWav > SHN; Taped and Transferred by Linda Webster
54691995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
Schoeps CMC6/mk4 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Tascam DA-20 mkII > Apogee SPIDIF > ZA2 > Soundforge 4.5 > CDWav > mkwACT > SHN; Transferred by Jason Musante
98921995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
Schoeps mk4v > Sonosax SX-M2 > D10Pro; Tascam DA-20mkII > RME digi 96/8 pst > CDWav > mkwACT > SHN; Transferred by Cliff
221351995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
Schoeps CMC6/mk4 (10' split) > Stewart BPS-1 > Sony D7 @48kHz (OTS); Sony PCM-2600 > Turtle Beach Fiji > Soundforge 4.5 > Cool Edit Pro 1.2 (48>44.1kHz) > CDWav > mkwACT > SHNv3; Transferred by Craig Hillwig; Taped by Tim Ural
281811995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
FOB Schoeps CMC6/mk4; Tascam DA-20mkII > JB3 > SF7 > CDWav > FLAC; Transferred by Phil Lucks
1112831995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
Nuemann KM-184s > ??? > Sony TCD-D7 (48 kHz); Sony DTC-59ES > Tascam HD-P2 > Audacity (16/48 > 16/44) > CD Wave > FLAC; Transferred by Terry Watts
1244001995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
flac16; AKG 460/ck61 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony TCD-D7; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam SS-R1 > Samplitude Pro X (fades, edits) > TLH (flac 8); Taped by Dave Flaschner; Transferred by Jeff Mitchell
1310221995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
flac16 48kHz AKG460 > ? > Sony D7; DAT(m) @ 48kHz > Sony PCM-R500 > Canare Coax > Korg MR-2000S > Kimber USB 2.0 > Samplitude Pro X v12.5.0.264 (fades, edits) > TLH v2.7.0 (flac 8, ffp) > Foobar2000 v1.2.9 Live Show Tagger; Recorded by chk; Transfer & edits by Jeff Mitchell
1473711995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
flac16/44.1khz Source:2-AKG C460's W/CK-61 Cardiod ( 10" Apart ORTF ) Stand 8ft > Symetrix SX-202 Pre-Amp> Sony D-10 Pro II DAT DAT Transfer: Sony PCM-2700>SP/DIF>Philips CD-R 830 December 1998 CD Transfer: CD Opital Drive>Traders Little Helper FLAC Encoding Location: Section 102 Row KK Seat 13 Taper: Terry Sullivan
1637091995-12-28The CentrumWorcesterMA
flac16 48kHz Schoeps MK4; DAT @ 48kHz > Tascam DA-20 > Tascam SS-R1 > Samplitude Pro X7 > dBpoweramp (flac8) > Foobar Live Show Tagger > TLH (ffp); Transfer by Jeff Mitchell
Created At
Invalid Date
Updated At
Mon Apr 08 2002 17:56:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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