Phish 1993-07-24
Great Woods Center for the Performing Arts, Mansfield, MA

Set 1
Llama, Horn, Nellie Cane, Divided Sky, Guelah Papyrus, Rift, Stash, The Mango Song, Bouncing Around the Room, The Squirming Coil

Set 2
Also Sprach Zarathustra-> Split Open and Melt, Fluffhead, Maze, Glide, Sparkle, Mike's Song-> Y-Rushalayim Schel Zahav-> Weekapaug Groove, Purple Rain-> HYHU, Daniel, Good Times Bad Times, E: Golgi Apparatus, Freebird

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
5341993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
FOB AKG 460b> custom preamp> TEAC DAP20; transfer: za2> soundforge> cdwav; via J. Sellers; few seconds of diginoise in Freebird, otherwise good
293951993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
FOB Schoeps mk4 > kc5 > CMC5 > Sonosax SX-M2 > Apogee AD-500E > Sony D10 ProII @48kHz; Sony PCM-R500 > Delta Di0 2496 > Soundforge 8 (48>44.1kHz)> CDWav > FLAC; Taped by Eliot Bryon; DATs provided by Bill Shaw; Transferred by Matt Edlhuber
1659061993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
flac2448 Recording Info: SBD > ? > Cassette (low gen) Transfer Info: Cassette (Nakamichi Dragon) > Sound Devices Mix Pre 10ii (32-bit/48k) Mastering Info: iZotope RX8 Advanced > Samplitude Pro X6 Suite > > FLAC/24 Tape provided by Dave Flaschner Transfer by Digihoarders Mastering by Charlie Miller
1663201993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
flac1644 Recording Info: SBD > ? > Cassette (low gen) Transfer Info: Cassette (Nakamichi Dragon) > Sound Devices Mix Pre 10ii (32-bit/48k) Mastering Info: iZotope RX8 Advanced > Samplitude Pro X6 Suite > > FLAC/24 Tape provided by Dave Flaschner Transfer by Digihoarders Mastering by Charlie Miller - This is 165906 2448 > 1644
1227821993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
flac16; (FOB) Schoeps cmc5/kc5/mk21's > Sonosax SX-M2 > Sony TCD-D10proII; Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam HD-P2 > r8brain (16/48 > 16/44.1) > CD Wave > FLAC; Taped by Eliot Bryon; Transferred by Terry Watts
1352151993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
FLAC16 Schoeps CMC6/mk4 > Sonosax SXM2 > Apogee AD500e > Sony D10 @48k; Tascam DA-20mkII > SPDIF>Tascam HDP2>Pro Tools 10 to 44.1kHz > xACT through Apogee Symphony I/O; transferred by Dave Schall
1352161993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
flac16 Schoeps CMC6/mk4 > Sonosax SXM2 > Apogee AD500e > Sony D10 @48k; Tascam DA-20mkII > SPDIF>Tascam HDP2>Pro Tools 10 to 44.1kHz > xACT through Apogee Symphony I/O; ch 1-2. raw tape; ch 3-4. parallel compression through Slate VBC Grey (SSL4000 bus comp); Izotope Ozone 5 for harmonic (retro profile), multiband dynamics, and slight mastering limiter over the top; transferred and mastered by Dave Schall
1526511993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
flac16/48 Source: Sennheiser ME 80 > ? > Casio DA-R100 DAT Transfer: Master DAT 48 kHz > Sony PCM-R500 > Marantz PMD 570 > Fission (normalized, tracked) Recorded by: Harry McQuillen (plugged out of unknown recordist, thanks!)
1662551993-07-24Great Woods Center for the Performing ArtsMansfieldMA
flac16: Recording Nak 300 cardioid FOB right stack shot approximately 10th row > Maxell XLIIS 90 cassette master > Sony D5 Original Transfer: Master Cass > Aiwa ADF810 Dolby HX Pro > Tascam CDR700 > CDR > Soundforge Fixed levels and balance - no other processing. 10.21.2023
Created At
Sat Oct 04 2008 22:54:47 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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