Max Creek 1999-06-13
Sunrise Resort, Moodus, CT

Set 1
Summer Sun ->
Fire & Brimstone ->
Wild Side
Sadie *
Willow Tree *
Angel of my Mind
Let it Rock
When I Paint my Masterpiece * ->
You're the Only One *
Love Makes You Lose Your Mind # ->
Blood Red Roses # ->
Life ->
Heartbeat ->
Can't You See $
Cities *
Late in the Evening *

Set 2

Set 3

Mad Murphy's Music & Arts Festival
One Set
* with Bruce Mandaro on mandolin
# with Glen Nelson on keyboards
$ with Eamon Cronin on drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
297281999-06-13Sunrise ResortMoodusCT
flac16; SBD -> Sony PCM-M1 Conversion: Sony PCM-M1 -> analog out -> TDK DA-5900 -> CDR -> EAC (Secure, Plexwriter Premium) -> Adobe Audition 1.0 -> CDWAV 1.9 -> shntool 1.2.3 -> WAV Recorded by Chris Thayer
Created At
Tue Jun 21 2005 12:24:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jun 21 2005 12:24:39 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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Ralph Davino30932023-4-23