Grateful Dead 1993-02-23
Oakland-Alameda County Coliseum, Oakland, CA

Set 1
Cold Rain & Snow
Wang Dang Doodle
Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
Broken Arrow
Way To Go Home
Johnny B. Goode

Set 2
Mardi Gras Parade Percussion Jam > *%$
Iko Iko > *%$
Corrina >
Lazy River Road >
Playing In The Band >
Drums > @^
Space > @*#
The Other One > *#
Stella Blue > #
Turn On Your Lovelight #

Brokedown Palace

Set 3

Ornette Coleman Group Opened
Jerry sits in last song of Ornette's Set
Jerry plays Wolf for whole show

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Vince Welnick - Keyboards
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums
Ornette Coleman - Saxophone #
Denardo Coleman - Drums *
Sikiru Adepoju - Percussion %, Hand Drum @
Graham Wiggins - LP Clave $, Yirdaki (Didgeridoo) ^

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1387861993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16/48kHz; Rob Darroch recording [FOB DFC]: Schoeps MK4 Capsules in hat > Bill Reutelhuber PS > Panasonic SV250. Mics worn in hat by Rob Darroch; John Ammons Transfer: from his DAT clone of the master. Tascam DA20 Mark II DAT > Roland SRC-2 sample rate/format converter (from SPDIF to Optical) > Mac Mini > Audacity 3.0 at 48K > Wave; Joe Noel T,F & P: Wave > Audacity > track/label > export multiple > flac 16/48
16111993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
SBD> DAT> Sonic Solutions (for phase correction)> CD; via Mike Hall
144851993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
SBD>DAT(S)>CDR with Brokedown from unspecified audience source
1161521993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16; source: 2 Neumann KMF4 microphones-up front > Sony TC-D5M - analog master cassettes; transfer: Sony TC-D5M (original record deck) > Pre Sonus Inspire GT > Sound Forge > .wav files > Trader's Little Helper > flac files
1232131993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16; Matrix created with Audacity, Sbd +0 dB Gain, Aud -8 dB Gain, with slight variations to avoid clipping; soundboard source - gd93-02-23.sbd.unknown.14485.sbeok.shnf and aud source - gd1993-02-23.116152.NeumannKMF4.daweez.d5scott
1347841993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16/48kHz; Source: Neumann TLM 170 FOB AUD > DAT; Transfer: DATx (Sony 60ES) > Microtrack 24/96 WAV > TLH Flac 16/48
1410671993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
fl1c6/44.1 Source Info: FOB Schoeps CMC 54-> DAT Transfer Info: DAT Tape (Panasonic SV-3700) -> Coxial SPDIF-> Marantz PMD 661 MKII (Solid State Recorder)-> SD Card-> Wav-> Flac Level 8-> Tagged (16/48) Transfers by Pete Ebel
1410691993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16/44.1 set 1 only. Source Info: FOB Mic's Unknown-> DAT Transfer Info: DAT (Panasonic SV-3700) -> Coxial SPDIF-> Marantz PMD 661 MKII (Solid State Recorder)-> SD Card-> Wav-> Flac Level 8-> Tagged (16/48) Transfers by Pete Ebel
1428971993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16/48kHz; 5.1 LPCM Surround Sound (48k) - SBD (shnid = 1611) SBD> DAT> Sonic Solutions (for phase correction)> CD; via Mike Hall + AUD (shnid = 141067) fl1c6/44.1 Source Info: FOB Schoeps CMC 54-> DAT Transfer Info: DAT Tape (Panasonic SV-3700) -> Coxial SPDIF-> Marantz PMD 661 MKII (Solid State Recorder)-> SD Card-> Wav-> Flac Level 8-> Tagged (16/48) Transfers by Pete Ebel - surround mixing by Kevin Tobin
1428951993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16; Matrix 2 Source Mix - SBD (shnid = 1611) SBD> DAT> Sonic Solutions (for phase correction)> CD; via Mike Hall + AUD (shnid = 141067) fl1c6/44.1 Source Info: FOB Schoeps CMC 54-> DAT Transfer Info: DAT Tape (Panasonic SV-3700) -> Coxial SPDIF-> Marantz PMD 661 MKII (Solid State Recorder)-> SD Card-> Wav-> Flac Level 8-> Tagged (16/48) Transfers by Pete Ebel - matrix mixing by Kevin Tobin
1428961993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
DTS-Audio-CD 5.1 Mix; - SBD (shnid = 1611) SBD> DAT> Sonic Solutions (for phase correction)> CD; via Mike Hall + AUD (shnid = 141067) fl1c6/44.1 Source Info: FOB Schoeps CMC 54-> DAT Transfer Info: DAT Tape (Panasonic SV-3700) -> Coxial SPDIF-> Marantz PMD 661 MKII (Solid State Recorder)-> SD Card-> Wav-> Flac Level 8-> Tagged (16/48) Transfers by Pete Ebel - dts mixing by Kevin Tobin
1494001993-02-23Oakland-Alameda County ColiseumOaklandCA
flac16/48kHz; Source Info: FOB Schoeps MK4->Reutelhuber P/S->Panasonic SV255-> DAT; Transfer Info: DAT Tape (Panasonic SV-3700) -> Coxial SPDIF-> Marantz PMD 661 MKII (Solid State Recorder)-> SD Card-> Wav-> Flac Level 8-> Tagged (16/48)
Created At
Sun Sep 09 2018 00:52:25 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Tue Jul 10 2001 22:15:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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