Grateful Dead 1990-09-18
Madison Square Garden, New York, NY

Set 1
Mississippi Half Step Uptown Toodleloo
New Minglewood Blues
Picasso Moon
Row Jimmy
Desolation Row
To Lay Me Down >
Promised Land

Set 2
Eyes Of The World >
Estimated Prophet >
Foolish Heart >
Drums >
Space >
The Other One >
The Wheel >
Sugar Magnolia

Knockin' On Heaven's Door

Set 3

Jerry Garcia - Guitar
Bob Weir - Guitar
Vince Welnick - Keyboards
Bruce Hornsby - Piano, Accordion
Phil Lesh - Bass
Bill Kreutzmann - Drums
Mickey Hart - Drums

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
790221990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC
869521990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Recording Info: SBD -> Dat (44.1k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC. All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller. (Fixes a dropout in shn id 79022; see info file for details)
351621990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Fix of shn id 12885 - SBD->Cm->Dat->CD->Cool Edit Pro->CD>EAC>SHN. Note Added 11/9/08: Reflac version w/o replay gain added. See info file for details
889681990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Ambient Recording by tdarian B&K 4011's ORTF -> ProLnk Cables -> Neumann p48v -> Sony TCD-D10 line-in wide-open From Section A Row 19, seat 2 FOB - near center transfer and edit notes: Tascam DA20mkII 48k DAT master -> Tascam CDRW700 with Marigo Audio Labs coaxial spdif cable, with dither to 44.1khz, on-the-fly, by the Tascam 700 +2dB digital gain added in the transfer from DAT to CDR master
969341990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Taper: M.Laurentus Loge/Taper Section Sec 56D,Row A,Seat 12 Taper-M. Laurentus AT835B's- AT 8202’s-SONY TCD-5M-Cassette-SoundBlaster Extreme Hi-Fi Line In-Creative Recorder-CD Wave- FLAC (This source was originally seeded missing Heaven's Door & Other One; then reseeded with Heaven's Door added.). A version of this source without the missing songs now circulates.
970211990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Taper: M.Laurentus Loge/Taper Section Sec 56D,Row A,Seat 12 Taper-M. Laurentus AT835B's- AT 8202’s-SONY TCD-5M-Cassette-SoundBlaster Extreme Hi-Fi Line In- Creative Recorder-CD Wave- FLAC; This is the fixed/complete version of source id 96934.
961561990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; matrix of DSBD: shnid=79022 and DAUD: shnid=9772 by hansokolow using ProTools
97721990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
DFOB MAD>D>CD Recorded by Dave Bratman FOB DFC, (Section 2, row 15, seat 1) Schoeps MK4/CMC3 (ortf/110deg)>Oade PS>Oade Mod. SV255 (MIT reference XLR interconnects). 4, 1 second d/o's were patched w/ an FOB source; See info file for details; Seeded to etree by Darrin Sacks
118111990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
SBD>DAT MASTER>DATX2>CD; via the Piper; Seeded to etree by troy richey
128851990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
Lineage: SBD->Cm->Dat->CD->Cool Edit Pro->CD via Charlie Miller
1247671990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Taper: M. Laurentus; Loge/Taper Section Sec 56D,Row A,Seat 12; AT835B's- AT 8202’s-SONY TCD-5M-Cassette-Tascam DR-5 Line In-CD Wave- Flac
1319081990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Currier, Transfer By Keo; AKGC451 With Shotguns (Rob Berger's) > AKG 9V Phantom Power > Marantz PDM 430 > Tapes: Maxell MX 100's; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion With AudioGate V.3.02 To 32/96 kHz Wave; Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44; SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1319091990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24; Master Audience Recorded By Mr. Currier, Transfer By Keo; AKGC451 With Shotguns (Rob Berger's) > AKG 9V Phantom Power > Marantz PDM 430 > Tapes: Maxell MX 100's; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1 > Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Flacked With AudioGate V.3.02 To 24/96 kHz; Metadata Tagging With Tag&Rename
1380691990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Matrix by photoleon; Ambient Recording by Tom Darian; B&K 4011's ORTF -> ProLnk Cables -> Neumann p48v -> Sony TCD-D10 line-in wide-open; From Section A Row 19, seat 2 FOB - near center; transfer and edit notes: Tascam DA20mkII 48k DAT master -> Tascam CDRW700 with Marigo Audio Labs coaxial spdif cable, with dither to 44.1khz, on-the-fly, by the Tascam 700; and SBD -> Dat (44.1k); Transfer Info: Dat (Sony R500) -> Samplitude Professional v7.02 -> FLAC
1395201990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16/48kHz; Rick Katzeff FOB Recording: Schoeps CMC 34's (ortf)> M-1000> Oade p/s> SV-255; Charlie Miller Transfer: Dat > Panasonic SV-3700 > Tascam DA-3000 > wav 16/48; Edited & Mastered in Audacity by Joe Noel > flac 16/48; Checksum & tags created in xACT
1411671990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16/48kHz; Master Audience Recording & Transfer by Ray Ackerman: AKG 460B/CK63 ULS -> AKG B18 phantom power unit -> Panasonic SV250 -> DAT (OTS); Transfer info: Tascam DA 30 mkii -> Microtrack ii -> wavelab 5 -> WAV 16/48
1448931990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16/48kHz; Source: Nakamichi 300s (cp4) > Oade p/s > Panasonic SV250 > DAT (48K) - Taped by Tim Dalton; Transfer: DAT > Sony PCM-R500 > Tascam DA-3000 > wav 16/48 - Transferred by Charlie Miller; Lineage: wav > iZotope RX7 Advanced > iZotope Ozone 5 Advanced > CD Wave > flac 1648; edited and mastered SIRMick February 2019
1476221990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac24; Recording Info: UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK SA-X100); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > Adobe Audition CC2015 > Samplitude Pro X4 Suite > FLAC/24; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller
1477811990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Recording Info: UltraMatrix SBD > Cassette Master (TDK SA-X100); Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi CR-7A) > Tascam DA-3000 (DSF 1-bit/5.6MHz) > Adobe Audition CC2015 > Samplitude Pro X4 Suite > FLAC/24; All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller, This file set is 16 bit @ 44.1
1505441990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16/48kHz; Recording Info: (FOB) Schoeps CMC3-MK4 (ORTF) > M1000 Cables > Oade PS > Master Dat (Panasonic SV-250-48k); Location: Sec A Row 19 Seat 01 (FOB, mics on stand @ 6'5"); Transfer info: Dat > Sony PCM r500 > Tascam DA-3000 > flac 16-48; Master Digital Audience Recording by Dave Brotman & Jeff Metchick; Transfer by Charlie Miller; Edited & Mastered by Joe Noel (Adobe Audition 2020). August 22, 2020
1527381990-09-18Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16; Matrix by Hunter Seamons using Soundtrack Pro (FLAC > AIFF > Soundtrack > Final Cut Pro for EQ > AIFF CD tracking via Audacity > FLAC16 via xACT w/meta-tagging), of shnid's 86952 & 141167.
Created At
Wed Oct 23 2019 08:05:04 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Mon Mar 10 2003 21:21:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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