Phish 2003-02-20
Allstate Arena, Rosemont, IL

Set 1
Rift, Rock And Roll, Guyute*, Driver, Waves > Simple^ > Gotta Jibboo

Set 2
Tweezer > Punch You In The Eye, Fast Enough For You, Seven Below, Pebbles & Marbles

E: Golgi Apparatus, Anything But Me > Tweezer Reprise

Set 3

* - w/ Character Zero Teases
^ - w/ Also Sprach Zarathustra Teases; Unfinished

SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
154872003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
Microtech Geffell m300 > Lunatec V2 > Mini-Me > D7; Tascam DA-302 > ESI-U24 > Wavelab 4.0 > CDWav > SHN; Taped and transfered by Steve Szaks and Becca Ward
154882003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
FOB Schoeps mk4v (ORTF) > kc5 > CMC6 > Apogee Mini-Me > Sony TCD-D8 @44.1 kHz; Tascam DA-20mkII > RME DIGI96/8 PST > Samplitude v5.5 > CDWav > mkwACT > SHNv3
155412003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
LivePhish SHN download; Note: Do NOT trade this recording by any means, including matrix sources! The md5's are merely listed as reference.
155982003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
CAD Equitek 200 (DIN) > Apogee MiniMe > Sony D8 > Soundforge 6.0 > SHN; Taped and transferred by Jacob Kosakowski
156382003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
Nakamichi CM300/CP4 (shotgun) > Sony SBM-1 @44.1kHz (OTS) > optical S/PDIF > Creative Labs Nomad Jukebox 3 > WAV > I-1394 Firewire > CDWav > mkwACT > SHN; Taped and transferred by Michael Frasca
189752003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
Neumann km150 (ORTF) > Lunatec V2 > Sony SBM-1 > Sony TCD-D8; Sony TCD-D7 > S/PDIF > Echo Mia > Sound Forge 4.5 > CDWav > FLAC; Transferred by Paul Hofferkamp
160472003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
FOB DPA (B+K) 4022(ORTF) > Lunatec V3 (SPDIF out) > USBPre (SPDIF in) > SonyC1VN @24bit,48kHz (NOTE: both 16 bit and 24 bit versions are available)
1377072003-02-20Allstate ArenaRosemontIL
flac16 44.1kHz Neumann KM140 (OTS/DFC/ORTF) > V2 > SBM-1 > Sony D8 @ 16/44.1; DAT/m > Tascam DA-20 MKII > SPDIF > MacMini(Audacity) > IzotopeRX > xACT(FLAC/TAG) 16/44.1; Taped by: Matt “Lazy Lightning” Lazor; Transfer: DiGiHoArDeRs
Created At
Fri Apr 18 2008 02:51:03 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Fri Feb 28 2003 15:09:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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