Walnut Creek Amphitheatre, Raleigh, NC

Set 1
Sidewinder[cut on master]
Ballad of Hobby & the Piano [now called just "Hobby"]
Smilin' Up the Frown
Where'd You Get That Vibe?
Step to the Street[missing on master]

Set 2

Set 3


SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
136331996-08-27Walnut Creek AmphitheatreRaleighNC
Recorded by Barry the Blade: Schoeps cardiods->DAT [no more details available from traded copy of DAT] Transferred by Will Foy, willfoy@pobox.com: DA-P1-> VX Pocket V2-> Soundforge for normalizing and resampling-> CDWav for tracking-> MWKAct for SHN encoding
295731996-08-27Walnut Creek AmphitheatreRaleighNC
Schoeps cardiods->DAT [no more details available from traded copy of DAT] Transferred by Will Foy
DA-P1-> VX Pocket V2-> Soundforge for normalizing and resampling-> CDWav for tracking-> MWKAct for SHN encoding
SHN > WAV > FLAC v1.7.1 level 8; tagged with TagScanner by Ron Broman
Created At
Sat Dec 07 2002 12:19:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Updated At
Sat Dec 07 2002 12:19:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

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Mike Acerra87252023-4-23
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