Grateful Dead gd1988-09-19.133320.dts.tobin.flac16
1988-09-19 Madison Square Garden

Grateful Dead Live at Madison Square Garden on 1988-09-19

Source 133320
DTS-Audio-CD 5.1 Mix; SBD (shnid=15076) SBD>MC>DAT>CDR; Via Paul G; Seeded by T. Wiley + AUD (shn id 90976) taper: Joe D'Amico nak 300 mics w/cp4 shotguns > sony d-5 nak dragon tape deck > sony sbm1 > creative extigy soundcard > cool edit pro > flac frontend - dts mixing by Kevin Tobin

Set 1 Touch Of Gray, Little Red Rooster, Dire Wolf, Far From Me, Queen Jane Approximately, Tennessee Jed, Let It Grow Set 2 Victim Or The Crime-> Foolish Heart-> Playin' In The Band-> China Doll-> Playin' In The Band-> Drums-> Space-> The Wheel-> Black Peter-> Around & Around-> Good Lovin', E: The Mighty Quinn

Files (download all files)
gd1988-09-19.133320.md5 (download)
gd1988-09-19.133320.txt (download)
gd1988-09-19.133320.ffp (download)