Grateful Dead gd1988-06-26.Nak300CP4.Floater.Keo.115733.Flac1644
1988-06-26 Civic Arena

Grateful Dead Live at Civic Arena on 1988-06-26

Source 115733
flac16; Master Audience Nakamichi CM300/CP4 Shotguns>Sony D5; Taper Floater,Transfer By Keo; Tapes Maxell XL-II 90's; Transfer With Nakamichi MR-1>Korg MR-1000 @ 1 Bit/5.6 MHz; Tracking/Sample Rate Conversion/Metadata Tagging; With AudioGate Software To 32 Bit Float/96 kHz; Dithered/Flacked With Korg Aqua To 16/44; SBE's Checked/Fixed With Trader's Little Helper

Set 1 Mississippi Half Step, Little Red Rooster, When Push Comes To Shove, Mama Tried-> Big River, Cumberland Blues, Gentlemen Start Your Engines, Big Railroad Blues, The Music Never Stopped Set 2 Touch Of Gray, Playin' In The Band-> Uncle John's Band-> Playin' In The Band Reprise-> Drums-> Jam-> Dear Mr. Fantasy-> Hey Jude-> Black Peter-> Turn On Your Love Light, E: Black Muddy River

Files (download all files)
gd1988-06-26.Nak300CP4.Floater.Keo.115733.Flac1644.ffp (download)
gd1988-06-26.Nak300CP4.Floater.Keo.115733.Flac1644.md5 (download)
gd1988-06-26.Nak300CP4.Floater.Keo.xxxxxx.Flac1644.txt (download)
gd1988-06-26.Nak300CP4.Floater.Keo.xxxxxx.Flac1644.md5 (download)
gd1988-06-26.Nak300CP4.Floater.Keo.xxxxxx.Flac1644.ffp (download)