Grateful Dead gd1983-10-15.138812.set2.FOB.Beyer.billydee.Sellers.Noel.t-flac24.fix
1983-10-15 Hartford Civic Center

Grateful Dead Live at Hartford Civic Center on 1983-10-15

Source 138812
flac24; Set 2 billydee recording (patched out of Yamaguchi/Poris): 3 Nak 700's blend > Sony TC-D5M > master audio cassette (FOB); Larry Sellers & the Philly Crew Direct Stream Digital (DSD) Transfer: MAC > Nak CR7A w/ azimuth adjusted > Korg MR-1000 @ 5.8mhz > FLAC 24/96; Joe Noel Edited & Mastered in Audacity, Flac 24/96; Checksum & tags created in xACT; note: the original file set was 16 bit/96kHz; please do not circulate that source

Set 2 China Cat Sunflower-> I Know You Rider, Playin' In The Band-> China Doll-> Drums-> Saint Stephen-> Throwing Stones-> One More Saturday Night, E: Brokedown Palace

Files (download all files) (download)
gd83-10-15.FOB.Beyer.billydee.Sellers.Noel.t-flac24.fix.md5 (download)
gd83-10-15.FOB.Beyer.billydee.Sellers.Noel.t-flac24.fix.ffp (download)