Identifiers for The Bitteroots
Archive Identifier | |
Date | Venue |
Source | |
TheBitteroots-LiveAtThe2011Sweetwater420Festival | |
2011-04-15 | Sweetwater 420 Festival at Candler Park - Atlanta, GA |
bitteroots2011-04-16 | |
2011-04-16 | Sweetwater 420 Festival at Candler Park - Atlanta, GA |
bitter2011-04-16.edited | |
2011-04-16 | Sweetwater 420Fest - Atlanta, GA |
TheBitterootsLiveAtEddiesAttic06-10-2011 | |
2011-06-10 | Eddie's Attic - Decatur, GA |
bitter2011-07-10 | |
2011-07-10 | Smith's Olde Bar / Atlanta, GA |
TheBitteroots-LiveAtSmithsOldeBar-July102011 | |
2011-07-10 | Smith's Olde Bar - Atlanta, GA |
TheBitteroots-LiveAtSmithsOldeBar-September72011 | |
2011-09-07 | Smith's Olde Bar - Atlanta, GA |
bitter2011-10-08.edited | |
2011-10-08 | Oakhurst Arts Festival / Decatur, GA |
TheBitteroots-OakhurstArtsMusicFestival2011-October82011 | |
2011-10-08 | Oakhurst Arts and Music Festival - Decatur, GA |
TheBitteroots-LiveAtTheFiveSpot-October152011 | |
2011-10-15 | The Five Spot - Atlanta, GA |
TheBitterootsLiveAtEddiesAttic-12-06-2011 | |
2011-12-06 | Eddie's Attic - Decatur, GA |