Artist Group Performances for The Wood Brothers
Artist | Date | Venue | City | State | Sources |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-01-17 | World Cafe Live | Philadelphia | PA | 82045 82251 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-01-18 | The Parting Glass | Saratoga Springs | NY | 82047 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-02-10 | The Stone Church | Newmarket | NH | |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-03-03 | New Daisy Theatre | Memphis | TN | 83484 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-03-06 | Lincoln Theatre | Raleigh | NC | 83753 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-04-22 | Thompson Hall Lawn (UNH) | Durham | NH | 84679 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-05-26 | Late Night at the Red Barn, Summercamp | Chillicothe | IL | 88294 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-06-17 | World Cafe Live | Philadelphia | PA | 87551 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-06-20 | McLaughlin-Norcross Memorial Park | Haddon Heights | NJ | 86382 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-08-03 | South Park Amphitheatre | South Park | PA | 86732 91198 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-08-04 | Pickathon Roots Music Festival | Boring | OR | 87843 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-08-11 | The Stone Church | Newmarket | NH | 88179 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-08-23 | Thursday At The Square | Buffalo | NY | 87036 90348 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-10-06 | Congress Theatre | Chicago | IL | 87623 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-12-04 | Crossroads Cafe | Huntsville | AL | 88998 |
The Wood Brothers | 2007-12-05 | WorkPlay Theatre | Birmingham | AL | 88971 |