Sources for Artist Group Twiddle
2012 2013 SHNID | Artist | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
123870 | Twiddle | 2012-03-21 | Fox Theater | Boulder | CO | |
4 Source Matrix: SBD | DPA 4022| DPA 4027 | DPA 4060 Front of lip Source 1: DPA 4022 ORFT -> w/V3 Preamp -> Tascam DR680 Souce 2: DPA 4027 DINa -> Naiant Mid Box -> Tascam DR680 Souce 3: DPA 4060 - 3 ft omni spread -> Tascam DR680 Source 4: SBD feed -> XLR cable -> Tascam DR680 Location: Mics on stand at 8 feet center back of SBD 40 ft from monitors Transfer: EdirolHR09 (24/96) wav -> USB cable -> PC Editing: Wavelab plugins -> Flac(16) MD5's and SBE checked and verified. 03/23/2012 Recorded by Patrick H. | ||||||
123874 | Twiddle | 2012-04-21 | The Shaskeen | Manchester | NH | |
Source: source1: akg 481 > V2 > R-44 > WAV (24/96k) Source2: sbd (mono) > R-44 > WAV (24/96k) Lineage: wav > Audacity > wav (44.1k) > xACT > flac8 Taped by: corey the groundhog (china_c_a_tATyahooDOTcom) Thanks to Grubby for helping getting the sbd feed. About 5ish mins of tech diff/dead air removed between tracks 2/3. | ||||||
123871 | Twiddle | 2012-07-20 | Gathering of the Vibes | Bridgeport | CT | |
Source 1: AT853 > Busman Tmod R4 Source 2: SBD > Busman Vmod R4 Setup: Cards, ORTF, DFC@SBD Transfer: R4 > audacity >cdwav > flac Taped/transferred by: Joe Bouchard (SmokinJoe) | ||||||
123873 | Twiddle | 2012-08-18 | The Spot Underground | Providence | RI | |
Source: Busman BSC2/K11 + Soundboard > Tascam DR-680 (24-bit/96k). Lineage: Sony Vegas Pro 11.0 (mixing) > Sony Sound Forge Pro 10.0 (0db Normalization; L3 UltraMaximizer Stereo; Fades; Resampled with iZotope 64-Bit SRC @ Highest quality; Bit-Depth Conversion (24>16) with iZotope MBIT+ Dither with Ultra noise shaping, High dither) > CDWave > FLAC16 via Trader's Little Helper @ Level 8. | ||||||
123867 | Twiddle | 2012-10-26 | The Bayou | Albany | NY | |
Church Audio CA-14's cardiod-> CA-9100-> Tascam DA-P1-> Audiophile 2496-> Samplitude 5.5-> CDWavEditor-> FLAC by EEE (mics about 20 feet from stage, 8 feet high, along the wall) | ||||||
123869 | Twiddle | 2012-10-27 | Pickle Barrel Nightclub | Killington | VT | |
DSBD>Tascam PCM Recorder(iPad)>.wav>Audacity>CD Wave Editor>Traders Little Helper>.flac6 by Matt | ||||||
123868 | Twiddle | 2012-12-21 | Magic Mountain Black Line Tavern | Londonderry | VT | |
Matrix-> iriver h120-> CDWavEditor-> FLAC by EEE. Matrix on the fly (SBD-> Matrix 80% | Church Audio CA-14's cardiod-> CA-9100-> Tascam DA-P1-> Matrix 20%) |