Sources for Artist Group Warren Haynes
1993 1996 2000 2002 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2018 2019 2024
SHNIDArtistDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
168906Warren Haynes Band2024-08-14Harvest Music FestivalFrederictonNB
flac1644 Church Audio CA-14 (cardioids) > TASCAM Dr-2d > 24 bit/48 Khz WAV Transfer: 24 bit/48 Khz WAV > Audacity (normalize, set fades, dither to 16 bit) > CDWAV tracking > Traders Little Helper (FLAC level 8) > tagged with Foobar2000 Recorded and Transferred by: Colin Waldschutz
168950Warren Haynes Band2024-10-05Radians AmpitheaterMemphisTN
flac2448 AKGCK1 AKG61 ULS Matrix SD Micpre 6 @24/ 48 Audacity Final Source MIX and Flacked CDWave Tracked
168948Warren Haynes Band2024-10-11Capitol TheatrePort ChesterNY
flac1644 AKG 451's > Zoom H5 Location: Front of taping section Recorded, edited and seeded by Michael Buzzeo
168967Warren Haynes Band2024-10-11Capitol TheatrePort ChesterNY
flac2448 recording information: MDAUD microphones: ch 1/2 AKG ck61-ULS XY on stand 7 feet up > Grace Lunatec V2 > ch 3/4 AKG ck61 PAS (17 cm) > Sonosax SX-M2D2 > digi out > recorder: Tascam DR680|SD location: OTS; 50 feet from stage, 10 feet ROC, 7 feet up processing: SD|Audacity|cdwaveditor|TLH|foobar2000 tagger|flac 24 recorded by: Michael Deary & Kyle Holbrook processing: Kyle Holbrook