Chris Larson - Les Claypool Projects
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 5170 |
A List | 9 |
Adrian Belew | 88 |
AEoC | 91 |
All Shows | 5178 |
archived | 38 |
Bill Bruford | 40 |
Birthday | 61 |
Bob Dylan | 156 |
Bruce Springsteen | 286 |
David Torn | 25 |
DVD | 12 |
Elliott Sharp | 12 |
Evan Parker | 17 |
Fred Frith | 123 |
Genesis | 367 |
Incoming Trades | 10 |
Jane's Addiction | 107 |
John Zorn | 36 |
King Crimson/Robert Fripp | 100 |
Les Claypool Projects | 460 |
Living Colour | 54 |
lost | 13 |
Must Haves | 269 |
My Recordings | 57 |
Peter Brötzmann | 8 |
Pixies | 201 |
R.E.M. | 333 |
Robert Earl Keen | 53 |
The Residents | 172 |
The Southern Belles | 11 |
Velvet Underground | 462 |
Details | Artist | SHNID | Reference # |