1. On audio trades only DAO is acceptable no TAO! 2. Bubble mailers & Sleeves no cases. 3. Be specific about disc brand & what you want in your emails. 4. Keep in touch througout trade please. 5. I cannot stress this enough-- If there are problems with the disc pops,skips,missing songs,etc... don't bother I am not wasting my time to collect frisbees! Be upfront and honest I am with you. I do not want a large collection of crap. Okay!!! 6. *IMPORTANT* email subject must have word "trade" in it or it will be filtered out

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances12

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1998-05-14Green Day
1998-12-12Smashing Pumpkins
2000-04-16Smashing Pumpkins
1997-05-08Widespread Panic
1999-10-31Widespread Panic
2000-04-07Widespread Panic
2000-04-29Widespread Panic
2000-07-04Widespread Panic1282
2000-10-27Widespread Panic
2000-10-28Widespread Panic1949
2000-10-29Widespread Panic
2000-11-15Widespread Panic