hi there!i trade one cdr for one cdr and one dvd for 3 cdrs(it takes longer and is more expensive).i prefer that cds have no pops,skips or jumps and no 2 sec spaces between each track.i also prefer that the source material isnt mp3,but if i want the cd ill take it anyway.i`ll keep in touch throughout the trade,so that you`ll get a better idea of when your discs are likely to arrive.each disc will have a tracklist(unless i dont have one for it)and will be in a plastic cd sleeve.id prefer a tracklist with each disc,but if you dont have one,the fair enough.i use tdk discs and burn at speed 4.id like anything that you send me to be burned at speed 4(i could live with 10x).and,thats about it.if youre straight with me,ill be straight with you.all the best!!  adam

heres my list:http://www.webspawner.com/users/dollsthunderstrade/index.html

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances9

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1973-10-19New York Dolls
1974-07-13New York Dolls
1974-??-??New York Dolls
1975-08-??New York Dolls
1976-07-04New York Dolls
2006-06-16New York Dolls
2006-07-25New York Dolls
2006-07-28New York Dolls
2006-09-01New York Dolls