Simple Rule - I currently prefer to trade via FTP, your server or mine, fast connections only, but will entertain trading via mail for shn or audio discs. I will do B&Ps. Just be considerate and honest about the trading transaction. Please don't write on the discs you send me. I don't keep the discs in sleeves once they arrive, so save yourself a few pennies and just wrap them in a piece of paper or whatever. No fiber mailers. NOTE: Many of the shows on my list are edited versions of the original shn files widely traded on etree. I have found that many of the original files have slight anomolies such as pops, digital static, tracking problems, etc., which usually can be edited without artifacts. I like to decompress the shn files, edit the wavs to my satisfaction and re-shn them. I usually append the original info file with any changes that I make to the files. Please understand that my version may not be wanted by many members of the etree community, and I would hate to taint the pool of documented shows, so please advise anyone who you might trade these shows with that they are not the original etree shn files. Media count listed is for Audio CDRs. Ask for shn media count.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances319

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #