Things that are important to me:

  1. Please stay in touch and return e-mails quickly.
  2. Please be prompt with the trade.
  3. I really like well recorded shows. If the recording is not clean and good to excellent I'll hardly ever listen to it, so please let me know if I pick a show that doesn't have high quality recording. Thanks.
  4. I try to rate the shows I have accurately and I suspect that my ratings are a bit more conservative than most. Probably something rated B+ on my list would equal A- or sometimes even A on some other people's lists. A+ = commercial quality, A = commercial quality or slightly below unless it is from before 1980 and then I cut the recordings some slack. B+ is the cut-off for what I would listen to and I'd have to really like it. B+ rated shows would have some hiss or noise and perhaps a little distortion thrown in and might include some timing issues or some other drawbacks. Also anything below an A would have decreased dynamic range and often one or more of the instruments would not be mixed properly. Anything below B+ would be primarily for reliving the experience, but certainly not for the joy of the sound.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances393

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #