All shows in SHN will be happily converted to audio (WAV) if that is what you want.
All shows in SHN format generally require one less disc then indicated on the list.
If you want a B&P or trade just ask. I have not been too active lately as life has kept me from the trading community. If I am too busy I will just tell you that I am too busy.
I am at the point of trying to stick to SHN format, but audio format will be considered.
Right now the only DMB I am looking for are these shows:12.9.92, 5.31.93, 3.17.94, 10.29.94, 3.1.95, 3.8.95, 9.27.96, 6.19.96, 6.21.96, 12.3.96, 12.5.96, 6.25.97, 6.28.97, 7.22.98, 12.10.98, 5.13.99, 5.15.99.
I also would like to be introduced to String Cheese Incident. If you have any crispy SCI to offer, please let me know.
I am also looking to beef up my Dead collection: Looking for crispy pre-1985 material, but all Dead will be considered. I am also looking for The Tragcially Hip, Kevn Kinney, and Drivin N Cryin.
1)Use name brand discs: No Memorex or Maxell.
2)Stay in touch.
3) I work fast, I would appreciate it if you do the same. However, if you get slowed down, just let me know. I am not a trading ogre. People get busy and shit happens.
4) If sending in audio format burn DAO, TAO is unacceptable. If you do not know the difference, just ask me and I would be happy to hip you to all this DAO/TAO stuff. :)
5) Please do not write on my discs other than small markings on the center clear ring on the disc. That's OK.
1) If you have never done or are unsure of what exactly a B&P is check out this link?
This sums it up quite well: 6x9 bubble padded SASE, No metered postage, no jewel cases (sleeves). Also, though it suggests using Tyvek to send your B&P package, I have found that placing everything in a manilla envelope works just fine. Tyvek is really expensive.
2)BE SURE to include a note stating what show I am doing for you. Also, include your name and email address. ALSO, INDICATE WHETHER YOU WANT AUDIO OR SHN.
3)Make sure you send the proper number discs. All SHN formats are two discs.
4)Send data CD's (DO NOT SEND MUSIC ONLY). I use Sony, TDK, and Fuji but any NAME BRAND CDR will work just fine. If you can avoid it, DO NOT SEND MEMOREX or MAXELL, they have not been working for me lately
5) Send ASAP. I do not like to keep taking up space in my hardrive with a show waiting to be burned.
6) STAY IN TOUCH. Drop me a line when you put the discs in the mail. I will let you know when I receive them and send them back out.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 169 |