I'm always up for a trade. I'll also do BnP's. If you offer up a trade, 99% of the time i'll work with that. Just follow my simple rules! good traders i'll usually add comments for. 1. email me, stay in contact with me during trading. 2. Dont write on the discs, write on paper and send that with it. 3. I prefer audio over SHN, i like to listen to my music when i travel. 4. Send in Bubble Mailers. NO HARD CASES! Right now i'm burning with Fujifilm. I would prefer either Fuji, TDK, or Sony. let me know if you're using something besides those 3 and we'll figure something out. INCOMING SHOWS: currently none thats basically it MIKE spread the music
For traders, i've misplaced alot of my shows because of some moving i've done.? Talk to me if there's a problem.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 135 |