
I'm in Australia?but?international trades?and B&Ps (use IRCs) are always welcome! E-mail me!

Just a few quick notes:

- Please don't send jewel cases, use paper or plastic sleeves

- Please don't write on the cds, write?the info?either on the paper sleeves or on a post-it note.

- Use quality discs (TDK, Sony, TEAC, Verbatim etc)

- Always burn dao

- I prefer SHN

- For newbies?of B&P check out www.etree.org/bnp?and http://www.musicfaninsf.com/newbie.html?and for more FAQ check http://www.oarfans.com/faqtt.php?as it has some really useful info on SHN, AUD, md5, flac?etc. If you are a newbie, could you please let me know.

Thanks :)

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances89
Damien Rice3
Gavin DeGraw3
Georgia Avenue2
Howie Day3
Jack Johnson4
Jason Mraz18
John Butler Trio3
John Mayer38
Maroon 59
Tyler Hilton2

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1995-08-14John Mayer
1999-06-15John Mayer
2001-04-12John Mayer
2001-06-09John Mayer
2001-06-30John Mayer
2002-02-25John Mayer
2002-02-27John Mayer
2002-03-09John Mayer
2002-05-05John Mayer
2002-09-06John Mayer
2003-09-28John Mayer
2003-11-18John Mayer
2003-11-28John Mayer
2003-12-05John Mayer
2003-12-07John Mayer
2003-12-09John Mayer
2004-02-14John Mayer
2004-03-05John Mayer
2004-03-06John Mayer
2004-03-07John Mayer
2004-03-12John Mayer
2004-03-14John Mayer
2004-03-18John Mayer
2004-03-19John Mayer
2004-03-20John Mayer
2004-03-26John Mayer
2004-04-15John Mayer
2004-04-17John Mayer
2004-04-19John Mayer
2004-07-06John Mayer
2004-07-07John Mayer
2004-07-08John Mayer
2004-07-18John Mayer
2004-08-11John Mayer
2004-08-21John Mayer
2004-08-30John Mayer
2007-10-25John Mayer
2005-09-24John Mayer Trio