1. Please use High Quality CDR's (NO MEMOREX or Generic)
2. I don't sell any of my bootlegs, so please don't ask.
3. I use Sony & Fugi CDR's.
4. I ask that full communication is given for all trades. (Shipping Dates & Product of Media used.) No one likes a bad trader.
5. No Jewel cases please. I don't send them, but if you want to, go knock yourself out. I use Sleeves and Bubble Wrap Envelopes.
6. Use Disk at Once, when burning.
7. I do not confirm, through email, that I received your CD's. If I don't receive your CD's, then I'll send out an email.
8. If you request a trade, then you must send first. That is unless you have a music list and positive comments on trading with others. I've been burned too many times in the past.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 703 |