>>>I will only do SHN and FLAC?trades, no audio. >>>All shows have been MD5 verified. >>>All soundboards are designated with (SBD) ? all other shows should have source info, all that are not designated I could not verify the original source. >>> If we trade, I use Fuji disc and would prefer high quality discs in return >>>PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ON MY DISCS! Instead, slip a piece of paper noting the date & disc # in the sleeve with the disc. Or, do what I do, stick a Post It note on the CD. >>>No fiber mailers please, use a bubble mailer >>Please, and I can't stress this enough, if we do a B&P put a note with your disc telling me what shows I am burining for you, and in what format (shn, audio etc.). >>>If you are not satisfied with any of the discs that I burn for you, I will gladly replace them at my expense. >>>Please keep in touch, I will most certainly let you know when I have finished burning your disc, and when I have mailed them to you. You can also email me at: jeffreyhbowman@bellsouth.net Enjoy the Music.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 177 |
New List | 0 |