TRADE INFO: I trade Rammstein, Korn, Type O Negative, Megaherz, Marilyn Manson, Kraftwerk, Eisbrecher, Katatonia, Das Ich & Oomph! shows in DVD & lossless audio. I will trade via snail mail as well as online. I'm currently looking for any shows I do not have already. I'm also currently looking for any German bands. I'm mainly looking for Rammstein, Das Ich & Oomph! shows that I do not have.
To see all my cover art go to My Flickr Page! Add me as a friend to see my photostream! If you need covers made for your show drop me an email I'll gladly trade cover art for bootleg shows.
1. If we have not traded before and you contact me first, you send first.   
2. No MP3'S, OGG, etc!!!!! Or VCDS, AVI, MOV, ASF, MPG, MKV, WMV, MP4 or other lossy audio or video. Only DVD'S & LOSSLESS Audio.
3. Please do not send the shows in a format other than expected meaning if I expect a DVD DO NOT burn a bunch of lossy files to a DVD and call it a DVD. I'm looking for authored DVD's with VOB files ONLY!!! In some instances I may accept these if they need to be authored to a DVD from a mts, m2t or another cam corder type file, but PLEASE let me know in advance! Nothing pisses me off more to try and watch a DVD and its in separate files and not authored properly.  
4. If you live outside the US, I limit trades to at least 5 discs or more a trade. I do not do 1-2 disc trades unless we trade online. If we trade online I will do any amount of discs you want to do.  
5. Please do not write on the discs if we trade via snail mail.
6. Please label each disc as to what show it is, either use a sticky note or label the cd envelope if we trade snail mail.
7. Please use cd envelopes if we trade snail mail.
8. Please use a bubble mailer if we trade snail mail.
1 = Very bad quality, only for die-hards 2 = Pretty bad, not great 3 = so-so/average quality 4 = Really good quality! 5 = Excellent quality
NOTE: The ratings on this list are an overall rating of the show, that includes sound, video etc. That is why many shows have both ratings the exact same.
I will trade online & offline using snail mail, torrents sites, sendspace, DC++, etc.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances743
Alice In Chains1

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #