1. I believe in the spirit of spreading the music, so time depending, open to B&P's, Trades, and Vines
  2. All shows available in SHN and CD Audio format unless otherwise noted.
  3. Will trade only for SHN files that are publicly listed on etree. I will send, but not accept, CD Audio format.
  4. With few exceptions, all shows contain a link to the etree md5 and are validated against the public MD5's to ensure the version is known / correct. I do not exchange SHN's that fail a MD5 check.
  5. I don't send or accept re-shn's (SHN files created from an existing Audio CD).
  6. I will follow the letter and intent of the artists trading policies & will not knowingly exchange commercially available music.
  7. Can do e-trades, I don't have an FTP but can D/L @ 500+KBs and upload @ 125KBs.

    List NamePerformance Count
    All Performances618
    New List0

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