Ben - Masters
I am interested particularly in new Tool sources, and trading with other tapers in general.
I'd likely be interested in any band I have listed.
We all know how it goes:
No MP3 (or other lossy compression) - Frequency Analysis is your friend
No DVD sourced from VCD, etc
Source info is a must and lineage would be preferable
Extract with EAC for CDR and DVD Decrypter for DVD (or equivalents)
I prefer FLAC filesets, for which I use FLACFrontend, on data DVDs, but audio CDs are fine
I use Nero for CDR and RecordNowMax for DVD
Always burn CDRs DAO
Disc brand is unimportant as long as it isn't total generic crap
I currently burn on Imation CDR and DVD-R
Do not write on discs - send in protective sleeves with a note attached
Overseas trades by airmail please - I'm in the UK
I'm also happy to do online trades via FTP, etc
Keep in contact throughout the trade
If discs are unacceptable (MP3/TAO/etc) I would expect replacements - I extend the same courtesy
I'm always looking for a trade so get in touch :)
Tool Live Audio:
Tool Live Community:
Trading & Torrents:
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 1732 |
Audio | 1504 |
Complete | 1739 |
DVD | 234 |
Masters | 103 |