ethan - Jerry Garcia Band
All shows are available as shns with original text files and .md5s unless otherwise noted. For shows where I note "audio" (click on show date to see notes), this means I personally burned audio disc from shns, but no longer have the original shns (although I usually have the original text file listing source info). If you want a copy of one of these audio discs, whether as shn or audio, DAE is done via EAC. I only use quality media, and expect the same in return. For the most part, I believe this means cds made in Japan, and NOT Taiwan. Taiyo Yuden has given me the best bang for the buck. SOME TDKs and SOME Fujis are made by Taiyo Yuden. Not sure who actually manufactured your cds? Download cdrid from: here

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances174
bluegrass audio16
grateful dead20
grateful dead audio26
Jerry Garcia Band11

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1977-12-08Jerry Garcia Band4445
1977-12-11Jerry Garcia Band13418
1982-06-16Jerry Garcia Band12513
1982-06-17Jerry Garcia Band14717
1983-11-29Jerry Garcia Band12026
1986-11-11Jerry Garcia Band15006
1989-09-01Jerry Garcia Band15062
1991-08-10Jerry Garcia Band14932
1993-02-26Jerry Garcia Band13035
1993-02-27Jerry Garcia Band13036
1993-11-05Jerry Garcia Band12633