Hi All Fellow Traders.

Im Looking For Anything From Nightwish , Within Temptation , The Gathering , Anneke Van Giersbergen I Dont Already Have In Audio And Dvd Formats.

Note: I Am Not Trading Audio Unless Its On Data DVD As Its Far Less Hassle For Every1 involved. 


Unfortunately not everyone who visits websites are honest people. Some are people who want to take away our right to trade. It has come to my attention that there are people who work for studios and production companies that pose as "traders" with the sole purpose to trick you into a potential copyright violation situation. Therefore, by browsing my website, using my website, e-mailing or talking to me, you are acknowledging the following statement: "I Confirm that I am not working for any television or movie production studio/network or affiliated organizations. I am not employed by, or am a member of a professional organization such as ASCAP or MPAA or any other such group or association. The federal government, affiliated agency or any type of sub-contractor or independent agent does not employ me. I am not a postal inspector. I will not take any legal action against the Webmaster of this site regarding the content of this site. By e-mailing you I understand that these trades are collector to collector and any incidental costs that may be involved are not for product Or Money Gain, but for labour.

In regards to the legality of the video home recording act settled by Congress with the Home Recording Act (P.L. 102-563,106 Stat.4237, Codified at 17 U.S.C. 1001-1010) in October 1992. No action may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the manufacture, importation, or distribution of a digital or analogue recording medium or based on the non-commercial use of such a device or medium. No rights are intended, expressed or implied. My priority is to trade!!! i Do Not Trade Ofiicial Items. If a trade is not possible, I can provide a service from one collector to another. The services rendered include the cost of time, materials, videotape, and use and maintenance of equipment.


Check my Main Site For more Info and my complete list


Mick (Deadone)


List NamePerformance Count
All Performances5

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
2011-11-11Anneke van Giersbergen
2012-05-11Anneke van Giersbergen
2012-05-22Anneke van Giersbergen
2012-09-20Anneke van Giersbergen