Welcome to my list. My rules are brief and quite reasonable.

1. Please use brand name CDRs.

2. Please burn using DAO.

3. Please communicate with me at all stages of the trade,?especially when you are sending the discs, when you receive the discs, and?how you like the trade.

4. If you have little to trade, I am very willing to?do a b & p.

5. Please be patient and courteous. I will be at all levels of the trading experience.

6. Mistakes can happen. Be sure to report any I make as well as being responsive to any I point out you make.

My listing for each show I have includes information to the best of my knowledge. My audio quality grades are not fully fine-tuned, but hopefully will be quite soon. Also, I have not yet inserted any other audio anomalies associated with the shows, like gaps between tracks and audio quality fluctuations in the recordings. I?will add these soon. Please feel free to inquire about?anything with regards to a certain recording.?

I will reply to e-mails as quickly as possible. I will never ignore any trade requests or questions. I hope you would do the same.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances88
New List0

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