TRADE STATUS: OFF B+P STATUS: OFF *UPDATE 6/19/03*: Right now, I'm studying for the Bar, but I want to slowly get back into trading after I'm done (I haven't been active for about a year and I need to catch up!!). I'm mainly interested in finishing up my '94's, so if you have any rare '94 DMB shows which I can't download from somewhere, feel free to e-mail me and maybe we could set something up. Otherwise, I'm probably not interested unless I contact you. When trading for newer shows, I generally trade only in SHN (which pass Md5 verification and match the files in the etree database). For older shows (pre-1994) audio is fine. I am, however, more than happy to burn an audio copy of a show that I have in SHN, just let me know which format you want. My rules are generally the same as everyone's, but here they are: 1. DAO only (e-mail me if you don't know what this means) 2. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if there is anything wrong with the discs (i.e., skips, pops, etc.) 3. Use bubble mailers and send in sleeves, not jewel cases 4. No generic discs for audio shows; I use Sony, TDK, or Fuji discs (I'm not as picky with SHN file disks) 5. Do not write on the discs 6. Extract audio discs with EAC (once again, e-mail me if you don't know what this means) 7. NO MP3 SOURCED SHOWS!! **I always send on time -- please do the same** NOTE: In addition to the listed shows, I also have these in SHN: *DMB Warehouse 5 CD V.2 (2002 release) (1 disc) *DMB "Trifocal Perspective of 2002 Leg One" (3 discs) *DMB Debuts, Guests, and Covers 2002 V.1 (2 discs) *DMB "Stuff Busted" Compilation V.1 + V.2 (2 discs) *DMB Lillywhite Sessions/Summer So Far (1 disc) *DMB "Ultra Jams" Complilation (4 discs) *DMB Best of '99 Tour Complilation (6 discs) *DMB Best of 2000 Tour Complitation (3 discs) *DMB "Till We Dance Away" Complilation (11 discs) *DMB "Dream Setlist" Complilation (4 discs) *DMB Bela Fleck and The Flecktones Compilation (11 discs) *DMB Warehouse 5 CD (1 disc) *DMB "Unplugged & More" (1 disc) (I can e-mail you the .txt files for the above complilations if you're not familiar with the setlists) All shows which are listed as "Audio" are in WAV, not SHN. My best traders (they have hooked me up with some QUALITY shows): Brian Glickman, Mike Kopenhaver, Dan Parrelli, Chris Trauscht, Andy Svenson, Mark Terry, Renee Cain Bad traders: David Lyle ( -- after many promises and excuses, no show. I have also converted all of the 1993 shows (especially the rare ones) into SHN format with matching md5's and text files. If you'd like the SHN files instead of the audio files, please let me know.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances552
Dave and Tim45
New List0

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
1993-04-22Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1993-07-26Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1993-11-29Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1993-12-12Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1994-01-29Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1994-02-21Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1994-08-25Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1994-08-25Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-02-06Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-02-10Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-02-11Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-02-13Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-02-17Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-02-18Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-02-19Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1996-12-16Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-01-25Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-01-30Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-01Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-06Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-07Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-11Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-14Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-17Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-18Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-20Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-21Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-22Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-02-23Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1997-07-13Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-01-19Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-01-26Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-01-30Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-02-02Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-02-05Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-02-06Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-02-07Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-02-13Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-02-19Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-03-06Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-03-07Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-03-12Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-03-13Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-03-14Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-03-24Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1999-03-25Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds
1990-10-??Dave Matthews (solo)
1990-12-??Dave Matthews (solo)
1992-01-05Dave Matthews (solo)
1992-05-02Dave Matthews (solo)
1992-09-11Dave Matthews (solo)
1993-12-03Dave Matthews (solo)
1993-12-28Dave Matthews (solo)
1996-06-03Dave Matthews (solo)
1997-01-24Dave Matthews (solo)
1998-12-01Dave Matthews (solo)
1998-12-01Dave Matthews (solo)
1999-03-23Dave Matthews (solo)
1999-03-24Dave Matthews (solo)
1999-06-15Dave Matthews (solo)
1999-07-10Dave Matthews (solo)
1999-07-15Dave Matthews (solo)
2000-02-20Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-02-23Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-02-27Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-02-28Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-12Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-12Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-14Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-15Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-16Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-16Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-19Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-19Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-03-21Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-05-01Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-05-26Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-09-21Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-09-29Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-10-02Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-10-14Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-10-20Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-10-25Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-11-12Dave Matthews (solo)
2001-11-13Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-10Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-10Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-10Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-10Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-10Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-16Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-16Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-23Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-27Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-28Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-05-28Dave Matthews (solo)
2002-09-06Dave Matthews (solo)
1991-04-03Dave Matthews Band
1991-08-21Dave Matthews Band
1991-09-01Dave Matthews Band
1991-10-21Dave Matthews Band
1991-10-22Dave Matthews Band
1992-02-13Dave Matthews Band
1992-03-24Dave Matthews Band
1992-03-??Dave Matthews Band
1992-03-??Dave Matthews Band
1992-04-05Dave Matthews Band
1992-04-05Dave Matthews Band
1992-04-15Dave Matthews Band
1992-04-22Dave Matthews Band
1992-05-05Dave Matthews Band
1992-05-06Dave Matthews Band
1992-05-12Dave Matthews Band
1992-05-13Dave Matthews Band
1992-05-14Dave Matthews Band
1992-05-20Dave Matthews Band
1992-06-22Dave Matthews Band
1992-06-27Dave Matthews Band
1992-06-??Dave Matthews Band
1992-06-??Dave Matthews Band
1992-07-04Dave Matthews Band
1992-07-21Dave Matthews Band
1992-07-28Dave Matthews Band
1992-07-31Dave Matthews Band
1992-08-04Dave Matthews Band
1992-09-01Dave Matthews Band
1992-09-16Dave Matthews Band
1992-09-17Dave Matthews Band
1992-09-20Dave Matthews Band
1992-09-30Dave Matthews Band
1992-10-14Dave Matthews Band
1992-10-27Dave Matthews Band
1992-10-31Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-01Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-02Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-03Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-11Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-16Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-17Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-18Dave Matthews Band
1992-11-25Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-02Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-04Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-09Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-11Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-15Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-22Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-23Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-25Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-28Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-29Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-29Dave Matthews Band
1992-12-31Dave Matthews Band
1993-01-19Dave Matthews Band
1993-01-20Dave Matthews Band
1993-01-26Dave Matthews Band
1993-01-26Dave Matthews Band
1993-01-26Dave Matthews Band
1993-01-27Dave Matthews Band
1993-01-30Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-04Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-04Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-06Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-09Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-11Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-12Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-13Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-17Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-25Dave Matthews Band
1993-02-26Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-01Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-02Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-03Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-06Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-07Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-09Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-10Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-12Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-16Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-17Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-18Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-20Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-23Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-24Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-27Dave Matthews Band
1993-03-30Dave Matthews Band
1993-04-07Dave Matthews Band
1993-04-09Dave Matthews Band
1993-04-14Dave Matthews Band
1993-04-18Dave Matthews Band
1993-04-30Dave Matthews Band
1993-05-04Dave Matthews Band
1993-05-19Dave Matthews Band
1993-05-21Dave Matthews Band
1993-05-25Dave Matthews Band
1993-05-31Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-02Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-04Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-09Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-12Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-15Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-16Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-17Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-21Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-22Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-23Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-24Dave Matthews Band
1993-06-26Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-06Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-07Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-08Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-13Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-14Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-21Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-22Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-27Dave Matthews Band
1993-07-27Dave Matthews Band
1993-08-02Dave Matthews Band
1993-08-10Dave Matthews Band
1993-08-13Dave Matthews Band
1993-08-17Dave Matthews Band
1993-08-19Dave Matthews Band
1993-08-31Dave Matthews Band
1993-09-08Dave Matthews Band
1993-09-14Dave Matthews Band
1993-09-16Dave Matthews Band
1993-09-19Dave Matthews Band
1993-09-21Dave Matthews Band
1993-09-23Dave Matthews Band
1993-10-01Dave Matthews Band
1993-10-05Dave Matthews Band
1993-10-15Dave Matthews Band
1993-10-16Dave Matthews Band
1993-10-26Dave Matthews Band
1993-10-27Dave Matthews Band
1993-10-30Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-05Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-06Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-09Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-10Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-13Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-16Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-17Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-19Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-20Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-23Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-24Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-26Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-27Dave Matthews Band
1993-11-30Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-01Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-02Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-04Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-05Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-07Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-08Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-10Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-10Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-11Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-28Dave Matthews Band
1993-12-31Dave Matthews Band
1994-02-04Dave Matthews Band
1994-02-05Dave Matthews Band
1994-02-22Dave Matthews Band
1994-03-04Dave Matthews Band
1994-03-10Dave Matthews Band
1994-03-19Dave Matthews Band
1994-03-26Dave Matthews Band
1994-04-05Dave Matthews Band
1994-04-06Dave Matthews Band
1994-04-07Dave Matthews Band
1994-04-14Dave Matthews Band
1994-04-21Dave Matthews Band
1994-04-26Dave Matthews Band
1994-05-13Dave Matthews Band
1994-05-14Dave Matthews Band
1994-06-12Dave Matthews Band
1994-06-??Dave Matthews Band
1994-07-17Dave Matthews Band
1994-07-27Dave Matthews Band
1994-07-30Dave Matthews Band
1994-08-06Dave Matthews Band
1994-08-12Dave Matthews Band
1994-08-13Dave Matthews Band
1994-08-24Dave Matthews Band
1994-08-26Dave Matthews Band
1994-09-04Dave Matthews Band
1994-09-27Dave Matthews Band
1994-10-06Dave Matthews Band
1994-10-08Dave Matthews Band
1994-10-15Dave Matthews Band
1994-11-01Dave Matthews Band
1994-11-18Dave Matthews Band
1994-11-19Dave Matthews Band
1994-11-19Dave Matthews Band
1994-11-29Dave Matthews Band
1994-12-01Dave Matthews Band
1994-12-02Dave Matthews Band
1994-12-03Dave Matthews Band
1994-12-04Dave Matthews Band
1994-12-29Dave Matthews Band
1994-12-31Dave Matthews Band
1995-02-23Dave Matthews Band
1995-02-24Dave Matthews Band
1995-07-22Dave Matthews Band
1995-07-28Dave Matthews Band
1995-08-25Dave Matthews Band
1996-04-29Dave Matthews Band
1996-06-07Dave Matthews Band
1996-06-18Dave Matthews Band
1996-06-30Dave Matthews Band
1996-10-15Dave Matthews Band
1996-10-21Dave Matthews Band
1996-10-25Dave Matthews Band
1996-12-29Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-03Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-05Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-06Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-07Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-08Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-10Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-11Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-13Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-15Dave Matthews Band
1997-06-20Dave Matthews Band
1997-07-06Dave Matthews Band
1997-07-07Dave Matthews Band
1998-05-17Dave Matthews Band
1998-05-20Dave Matthews Band
1998-05-30Dave Matthews Band
1998-08-27Dave Matthews Band
1998-11-05Dave Matthews Band
1998-11-21Dave Matthews Band
1998-12-07Dave Matthews Band
1998-12-11Dave Matthews Band
1998-12-13Dave Matthews Band
1998-12-14Dave Matthews Band
1999-05-04Dave Matthews Band
1999-05-05Dave Matthews Band
1999-05-26Dave Matthews Band
1999-06-24Dave Matthews Band
1999-07-30Dave Matthews Band
2000-06-22Dave Matthews Band
2000-06-27Dave Matthews Band
2000-07-03Dave Matthews Band
2000-08-05Dave Matthews Band
2000-08-06Dave Matthews Band
2000-08-20Dave Matthews Band
2000-08-22Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-02Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-13Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-15Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-15Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-16Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-18Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-19Dave Matthews Band
2000-09-20Dave Matthews Band
2000-10-29Dave Matthews Band
2000-12-05Dave Matthews Band
2000-12-13Dave Matthews Band
2001-01-20Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-21Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-21Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-21Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-28Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-28Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-28Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-29Dave Matthews Band
2001-04-29Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-01Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-02Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-04Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-09Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-11Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-12Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-14Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-15Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-18Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-19Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-21Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-22Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-26Dave Matthews Band
2001-05-27Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-03Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-03Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-04Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-04Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-09Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-11Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-11Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-12Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-13Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-16Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-17Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-20Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-22Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-22Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-23Dave Matthews Band
2001-06-24Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-06Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-07Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-15Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-17Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-20Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-21Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-23Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-25Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-29Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-30Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-01Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-03Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-04Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-07Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-08Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-10Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-24Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-25Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-26Dave Matthews Band
2001-08-28Dave Matthews Band
2002-02-09Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-04Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-05Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-05Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-05Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-07Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-08Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-10Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-10Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-12Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-12Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-13Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-13Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-19Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-20Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-20Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-20Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-20Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-21Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-21Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-23Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-24Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-24Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-26Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-26Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-27Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-27Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-29Dave Matthews Band
2002-04-30Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-02Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-04Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-05Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-07Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-07Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-09Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-12Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-12Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-13Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-14Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-15Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-16Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-18Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-18Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-19Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-19Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-21Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-23Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-23Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-24Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-24Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-28Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-28Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-28Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-29Dave Matthews Band
2002-05-30Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-05Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-05Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-06Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-06Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-08Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-09Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-09Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-11Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-12Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-12Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-13Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-13Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-13Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-15Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-15Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-15Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-16Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-17Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-18Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-18Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-20Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-21Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-23Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-25Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-25Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-26Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-26Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-28Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-28Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-28Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-29Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-29Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-31Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-31Dave Matthews Band
2002-07-31Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-02Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-02Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-03Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-03Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-05Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-06Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-08Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-08Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-10Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-10Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-10Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-11Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-11Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-11Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-26Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-27Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-27Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-27Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-29Dave Matthews Band
2002-08-31Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-01Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-03Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-06Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-06Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-07Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-07Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-07Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-08Dave Matthews Band
2001-07-11Dave Matthews Band (soundcheck)
1991-??-??Dave Matthews Band Compilations
2001-09-03Dave Matthews Band Compilations
2001-04-06Jack Johnson
2001-05-26Jack Johnson
2001-08-22Jack Johnson
2001-09-07Jack Johnson
2001-12-12Jack Johnson
2002-02-11Jack Johnson
2002-02-12Jack Johnson
2002-02-13Jack Johnson
2002-02-14Jack Johnson
2002-02-16Jack Johnson
2002-03-15Jack Johnson
2002-07-04Jack Johnson