i'll trade via snail mail as well as through bit torrent. here are a few rules:

1. DAO obviously!!
2. Please tell me if your show is mp3 sourced!
3. Do not write on discs!
4. Please don't use generic-ass media!

i trade 3 CDR:1 DVD and 1 DVD: 1 DVD

i use EAC v0.95b2 to extract audio and DVD Decrypter to extract video
Nero Ultra to burn

let me know if you prefer shn/flac, otherwise expect audio

i use bubble mailers and cd/dvd envelopes and i hope you do too!! PLEASE use 1 disc per sleeve.

please keep in contact throughout the trade

i live in the U.S.

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances467
Show List393
Show List75

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #