theodoreehissinjr - New List
This is a list of shows that I have taped myself or I put into circulation for my friends. I am a uni decker so I dont trade DAT. My trading list is found at Most everything on both lists are in shn format just ask. My rig cosists of AKG C3000B-> Edirol UA-5 w/ Oade mod->Pro Digital 7 Pin Cable Passive Sony D8 Denon DN-C550R Pro CDR Sony MZ-r37 Mini Disc I do alot of my transfers on the Denon but I use a DDS drive as well. I am mostly looking for newer electronic music and hip hop as well. Also I am always looking for The New Deal, STS9 and Lotus shows.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 114 |
New List | 0 |
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