Terry Phillips - Non Dead
My requests:
1. I prefer SHN's with md5's.
2. Nothing mp3 sourced.
3. If AUD DAO.
4. I appreciate prompt mailing, and notification of delays.
5. All trades should be CDR.
I'm OK with any brand name CDR. No generics in return.
I am a member of Dead Vines, Come check it out
I also use DC HUB shnapster.dyndns.org
It's my sincere desire to help spread the tunes as freely as they have been given to me.
I?m open to the odd B&P as time permits. Here is a nice link for good B&P practices.
Have fun and spread some Tunes. Trex
All I know is sometihing like a bird within him sang.
List Name | Performance Count |
All Performances | 440 |
Grateful Dead | 319 |
Non Dead | 110 |