B+P'S-- -check # of disks for your show -include note of show date -include email address -do not stack cd?s(i.e. 3 disk show use 3 sleeves---for your sake not mine) -i have not had any problem with any cd's on my burner, i use imation, and sometimes fugi -do not label cd's i will do that once they are received -all shows will be in audio format -all shows will be DAO -if you dont want me to write you your cases, please include a post-it not or something -if the B+P is for one show off my list, don?t try and slip in another show -once you receive your show please offer up a B+P to help spread the music *if these rules are not followed i would hate to have to send your disks back blank* TRADING-- -unless mentioned, shows will be burned on imations -DAO -Audio -try my best for same 2 day turnaround as time permits

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances141
New List3

DetailsArtistSHNIDReference #
2002-09-07Dave Matthews Band
2002-09-08Dave Matthews Band
2002-12-11Dave Matthews Band