*** I will not B&P or Trade shows off my list that are TAO, F-DAO or wavetrimmed. I'm always looking to replace any TAO or FDAO shows with SHN's or seamless DAO CDR's, so if you have a show I need to replace please offer me a trade!! :) If something is marked Unreviewed on my list, I'll review and let you know the quality before we trade ***
Not sure what a bnp is or how to do it? Visit this link http://www.mcnichol.com/bnp/default.htm
THEN contact me about doing a bnp for you.
1. I'm mostly trading in SHN now. But an Audio trade is not out of the question.
2. I use quality discs when trading and I hope to get them same in return.
3. Use some kind of CD sleeves
4. DO NOT write on the cd's. Labels only!
5. AUDIO/CDR trades MUST be DAO. That means no gaps, clicks
or spaces between tracks. If you don't have DAO shows
or don't know how to burn DAO, I'd rather B&P for you.
6. NO MP3 sourced or analog shows.
7. Mail on the agreed upon date.
8. Keep in contact until the trade is complete.
9. Be honest about the quality of your shows. I will be.
Details | Artist | SHNID | Reference # |