hey now...thanks for looking.....I'm a very active trader but becoming much more quality conscious....I want only A or A+ recordings, DAO only and only copied from EAC....I am not particular on the CDR---I will trade Fuji (Japan) for same or brand on sale with same...I'm just beginning to collect shn...if wav/shn field is blank these are wav....I am willing to convert anything I have in wav to shn if EAC works on it(I collected many early shows from friends who only use disc-to-disc)....I'm always on the lookout for quality Beatles, Todd Rundgren and the hottest of Dead shows.....give me a shout if you find somethind you'd like....if the show has no grade, I may not have listened to it yet---just ask and I'll be glad to review it....if you are not happy with a trade, please LMK and I will do the same........enjoy..........PEACE

List NamePerformance Count
All Performances661
New List0

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