Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeFLAC
Sound RatingA-
Note('Blues For God' Bootleg CD.)
Circulated As A Soundboard But Cound Be Excellent FOB Audience
Source InfoSoundboard*
Traded FromDaspy
Trades Allowed
Jethro Tull 1972-01-27 Hannover Kuppelsaal, Hannover, Germany
Set 1my God,flute medley>my God, thick as a brick, thick as a brick>aqualung, to cry you a song, a new day yesterday , cross eyed mary>disk2> hymm43, nothing is easy, wind up, locomotive breath, hotheaded english general, wind up
Set 2
Set 3