Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Reference Number0001726155
Media TypeCDR
Media Count2
Sound Rating9.3
Barcelona, Spain

Source: Schoeps MK4 (FOB; mics in a at) > KCY > VMS IO2b > DA P1
Recorded @ 44.1
Lineage: Master Dat > 1st gen clone

Transfer: 1st gen clone > RME 96/8 > Soundforge 5.0 > CD Wave > MKW Act(shn) *no dae*
minor edits: fades at the beginning and end of each set added using soundforge 5.0
Transfered by Tim Rossi(
Thanks to Derek G. for the tapes

errors: there were some sector boundry errors on the end of each disc. they were fixed using
Padded 'ph98-07-09d2t10-fixed.wav' with 736 zero-bytes

*Dankseed Certification received 01-10-17*
and posted at
Listening test performed by *5* danksters

positive criteria met:
Tracking- OK
Seamless and complete- OK
Lineage listed- OK

negative criteria met:
Resampled- NO
Diginoise- NO

Disk I
Set I:
01. Carini ->
02.Boogie on Reggae Woman ->
03. NICU
04. Split Open and Melt
05. Meat
06. Poor Heart
07. Tweezer
08. Hello My Baby *

Disk II
Set II & Encore:
01. Drowned ->
02. Theme from the Bottom
03. When the Circus Comes
04. Scent of a Mule ->
05. Blister In The Sun** ->
06. ^Scent of a Mule,
07. Harry Hood*** >
08. Izabella****
09. Crowd
10. Chalkdust Torture

* Done without mics
**Relatively complete; they skipped one verse, but far longer and better than the spontaneous version from 07-26-97.
^Preceded by the "mule duel."
***Unfinished; develops into "Drowned" jam.
****Different, more Hendrix-style than the versions from 1997.
Source Info(fob/in hat) Schoeps mk4 > kcy > VMS102b > DAp1
Tech NoteAll
Trades Allowed
Phish 1998-07-09 Zeleste Discotheque, Barcelona, Spain
Set 1Carini > Boogie on Reggae Woman > NICU, Split Open and Melt, Meat, Poor Heart, Tweezer, Ragtime Gal
Set 2Drowned, Theme from the Bottom, When the Circus Comes, Scent of a Mule > Blister In The Sun > Scent of a Mule, Harry Hood > Izabella, E: Chalkdust Torture
Set 3