Identifier | 9826155 |
Created At | Sun Mar 31 2019 18:36:08 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) |
Media Type | FLAC |
Media Count | 1 |
Trades Allowed |
SHNID | Date | Venue | City | State | Archive Identifier |
145774 | 1975-03-26 | Ace's Studio | Mill Valley | CA | |
flac16; Soundboard -> ? -> PCM; Transfer: PCM Sony SL-HF66 > Sony PCM-601ESD > Behringer Ultramatch Pro > Tascam DA-3000 (WAV 16-bit/44.1k) |
Grateful Dead 1975-03-26 Ace's Studio, Mill Valley, CA | |
Set 1 | Tuning, Noodling, Ect
Some Bits Of Lazy Lightning And Some Tuning And Banter More Bits Of Lazy Lightning And Slipknot, Banter, Ect Some Blues For Allah Bits Jamming With Slipknot-type Theme |
Set 2 | |
Set 3 | |
Comment | I was unable to independently confirm the given date for these rehearsals.
This was part of a 6 disc set originally posted on abgd. Tracks 01 and 02 were re-shn'ed to make them seekable like the rest of the set. Renamed to meet Etree guidelines. |