Created AtTue May 23 2023 23:54:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media Typeshn
Media Count2
Sound RatingA
Source InfoDSDB
Tech NoteTransfer: Tascam DA-P1 &gt; HHB 850 (master CD's) &gt; Rotel 960 BX &gt; HHB 850 (Brad's CD's) by Clark D. Ritchie Extraction: EAC (Ultraplex 40max in Secure mode, all tracks 100%) &gt; HDD &gt; AddaWav &gt; CDWave (retracking) &gt; SHNtool &gt; mkwACT &gt; .shnv3 (seek appended) Extraction and Compression by Brad Leblanc <> 12/9/2001
Trades Allowed
String Cheese Incident 1997-01-22 Wild Duck Brewpub (Music Hall), Eugene, OR
Set 1Dudley's Kitchen, Walls of Time, Mouna Bowa, Rhythm of The Road, Got What He Wanted, Lonesome Fiddle Blues, Little Hands > The Hobo Song, Southbound
Set 2MLT, Born On The Wrong Planet, Black Clouds, All Blues > San Jose, Wake Up, Lester had a Coconut, Mtn Girls, Land's End, Johnny Cash
Encore: Elvis' Wild Ride
Set 3
CommentSetlist courtesy of Friends of Cheese.