Created AtSat Jan 27 2018 10:35:27 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Media TypeBitTorrent
Trades Allowed
SHNIDDateVenueCityStateArchive Identifier
1404032017-12-29Madison Square GardenNew YorkNY
flac16 44.1khz Location: OTS/ DFC (Section 2, Row 6, Seat 10). Source: Schoeps mk41v (~70° @ 21cm)>kc5>cmc6>Sonosax SX-R4(24bit/96khz). Transfer: Sonosax SX-R4>USB-C>MacBook Pro>Pro Tools 12(normalizing)>Audacity(tracking, fades)>Sony Soundforge. Convrt(resample(izotope,highest settings)/dither(mbit+/ultra, high dither)to 16 bit/44.1k)>XAct(FLAC 8,ffp,fix sbe,tagging). Recorded and Transferred by Andy Murray.
Phish 2017-12-29 Madison Square Garden, New York, NY
Set 1Cavern > Blaze On, 555, I Always Wanted It This Way > Martian Monster, Heavy Things, Destiny Unbound, Ocelot, Walls of the Cave

Set 2Sand > Chalk Dust Torture[1] > Ghost > Backwards Down the Number Line > Simple > Split Open and Melt
E: Julius

Set 3

Comment[1] Unfinished